CDC Launches Dollar and Due Payment Rally for Elections ‘2023


CDC Launches Dollar and Due Payment Rally for Elections ‘2023

IPNEWS: On Saturday, the 12th of November 2022, the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) held a Dollar and Due Payment Rally at its Headquarters in Congo Town ahead of the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

According to CDC National Chairman, Mulbah Morlu, the Dollar and Due Payment Rally is intended to raise the needed funds for the pending 2023 presidential and legislative elections, which will see the ruling party put forth for re-election their standard bearer and political leader, incumbent President George Weah.

He said each CDC, who said are about million plus, will be required to donate US$1.00 to the re-election bid of the President, while dues paying members and officials are also encouraged to live up to their obligations to the party ahead of the 2023 elections.

Chairman on the hand stated that on November 20 November 2022, one million Liberians will gather to nominate for his re-election bid President George Weah at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex for what termed “his numerous contributions over the past five years.”

Chairman Morlu noted as it is on record in 2017/2018, the less fortunate Liberians including members of the party used their own resources to elect President Weah and will use it again because according to them, they believe that President Weah has laid the developmental foundations of Liberia, expressing that “to whom much is given much is required”.

The CDC Chairman to kick the ball rolling for CDCians to pay their dues, gave US$5,000 (Five Thousand United States Dollars) to the party as part of his dues. At the same time, Chairman Morlu gave One Acre of Land to the family of their fallen hero, Morris Kromah who died during the November 7, 2011 incident during the regime of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, which reportedly occurred along Old Road Intersection.

On his part, the Speaker of the 54th Legislature of Liberia, Dr. Bhofal Chambers donated US$5,000 (Five Thousand United States Dollars) to the party towards the Dollar Rally, and he (Bhofal Chambers) gave additional US$10,000 (Ten Thousand United States Dollars) as his due payments for the years 2022 and 2023 as required by the Party’s Constitution. By: Mohammed B. Sheriff, Intern Reporter

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