Public Resources Will Be Spent On Citizens – Cummings


Public Resources Will Be Spent On Citizens – Cummings

IPNEWS: The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings, has assured citizens of Zahn-Boire Township, Nimba County, that public resources will be used purposely to serve the best interest and welfare of Liberians, upon his ascendancy as President of Liberia.

Cummings expressed regret that in this 21st century, Liberians are dying, due to government neglect and insensitivity to their welfare and security, making reference to the death by drowning of eight persons in the St. John River in Zahn-Boire Town, October 29, 2022.
Elders and chiefs in Zahn-Boire lamented and decried years of government neglect and persistent failure to construct a bridge or purchase a ferry to facilitate safe travels of thousands of citizens who commute daily across the St. John and Yah Rivers to earn their livelihood.
The citizens said years of government neglect has led to dozens of death by drowning of citizens who must cross the St. John and Yah Rivers to farm. They were extremely shocked over the most recent drowning of eight persons, including a baby, on October 29. They were disappointed in the limited expression of remorse from government representatives towards their losses.

The CPP Standard Bearer who visited Zahn-Boire on Friday, November 11, 2022, and extended sympathy to the bereaved families for great loss of lives, assured Liberians, that such wanton disregard for citizens’ welfare, would not occur under a CPP administration.

Zahn-Boire Township, linked to 45 towns and villages, has an estimated population of over 40,000, most of whom cross the St. John and Yah Rivers daily to carry on farming activities.
Besides, residents of Zahn-Boire Township, an estimated 100,000 travelers, use canoes to cross the St. John and Yah Rivers daily for trade and to attend market days, according to town chiefs, elders, youth and women groups. The people of the township presented kola nuts and chicken to Mr. Cummings, indicative of purity for the visit of the CPP Standard Bearer to their town.

Hundreds of citizens turned out and accorded the CPP Standard Bearer and delegation a rousing welcomed and expressed appreciation for his visit. They appreciated how far he travelled to identify with them during their time of mourning. They also commended the CPP delegation for the visit and tour of their District to feel and experience, especially the deplorable road conditions, hampering free movement, trade and making life difficult for them.

Mr. Cummings, accompanied by hundreds of supporters and party stalwarts including Nimba County Representative Larry Yonquoi, later presented L$150,000.00 and 40 bags of rice to the people of Zahn-Boire Town.

The CPP Standard Bearer reassured that a Cummings administration will endeavour to work harder and that public resources will be spent purposely to alleviate the massive suffering and economic hardship caused by the continuous stealing and wasteful spending by the administration of President George Weah.

Mr. Cummings and delegation made stops at several other towns including Sokopa Town, Monson Farm, Kpain Town, a newly established Agriculture training center, Bunadin Town, Lao Chiefdom, and held brief talks with elders, local authorities, youth and women groups in District #8, Nimba County.

Citizens spoke of the unbearable high cost of living, extreme poverty and suffering in rural Liberia and the urgent need for national transformation that will better their lives.

In Sanniquellie, hundreds of citizens held a townhall meeting with the CPP Standard Bearer where he made a passionate appeal for Nimbians to join and support the CPP political journey for state power.

Cummings said Liberia is in dire need for change not only in national leadership, but also change in the economic status and conditions of the vast majority, trapped in extreme poverty and suffering.

He said its only through hard work and sacrifice that Liberia will attain national transformation and elect a good government that will restore and improve basic social services including health, reliable electricity, as well as create jobs and ensure all school-age children attend and remain in school.

Cummings said Liberia, with an estimated population of five million, has vast natural resources and wealth and it is disheartening for vast majority to be living in abject poverty, due to gross mismanagement and outright stealing by public officials.
He cautioned Liberians against repeating past mistakes of electing corrupt and incompetent leaders, who continue to use public resources for their personal interest, friends and families, to the detriment of the larger society.

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