‘Complete Recklessness, Childish and Careless Behavior’ -Dr. Whapoe Terms President Weah’s “Prolonged Visit”


‘Complete Recklessness, Childish and Careless Behavior’ -Dr. Whapoe Terms President Weah’s “Prolonged Visit”

IPNEWS: Opposition Vision for Liberia Transformation (VOLT) Political leader, Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe, has described and termed as “completely reckless, irresponsible, childish and careless the alleged prolonged visitation of President George M. Weah visit outside the country.

According to Dr. Whapoe, it’s so frustrating that President Weah, in the midst of the many economic challenges that the country is experiencing under his administration with regard to the hike in the price of rice and its scarcity, will decide to stay out of the country for such a long period just to have pleasure and “jolly, jolly.’’

 The vocal opposition politician disclosed that the President has just shown to the Liberian people and the world “his reckless handling of the states, and his insensitivity to the plights and concern of the Liberian people.”  

 President Weah on Tuesday, 1st November 2022 travelled out of Liberia for what will likely be six to eight weeks. His first stop was to attend the MEDays conference in Morocco. He also attends the official opening program of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, honor other invitations, including traveling to Paris and the US, before coming to Ghana and then return home somewhere in December 2022, eventually.

The President’s trip abroad is expected to last over seven weeks. This is happening especially after President Weah just led a huge delegation in September to attend the 77th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, where he remained until the rice shortage hit the country.

 The visit of the President has received mixed reactions with many believing that a President of a nation that would leave his people and country amid global economic and food crisis to travel abroad with millions of taxpayers’ money for talking shop conferences and just to watch World Cup that yields no dividends for his people back home needs to rethink his leadership strategies and priorities.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with this newspaper over the weekend, the opposition politician pointed out that action by the President is completely reckless, irresponsible, childish and careless because it clearly shows that the President doesn’t care about the plight of Liberians.

 “President Weah is a disgrace and failure to Liberia. How can you have rice crisis in your country with citizens not having adequate access to the nation staple and you leave the country for such a time. How can you also have a serious crisis about the integrity of the conduct of the country election when National Elections Commission and PPCC are fighting, and you leave?”

According to opposition politician, this has exposed the weakness of President Weah and has also again pointed out to the Liberia people that he is reckless and doesn’t care about the issues that matters to the health and wellbeing of Liberians.

Dr. Whapoe further opined that as far as his memory can set him right, President Weah is the only President in the history of Liberia who has abandoned his people for such a long period just to have fine time outside when his citizens have nothing on their tables.

He argued that the President’s trip outside, “as always will bring no economic benefit to the country.” Dr. Whapoe further alleged that the President decided to stay long outside in order to also watch his son plays for the United States in the World Cup. President Weah’s second son, Timothy Weah, plays for the United States of America.

 He said the President lacks the ability to run the administrative operation of the country that is why he doesn’t even have empathy when he wants to take decision.

 “Mr. Weah should be voted out in 2023. This President has shown and continues to show signs that he is not capable to lead this country. As a leader, your first priority is your people. But, for this President to leave his struggling country that is engulfed with serious crisis and travel for approximately two months, is completely worrisome and we need to rescue Liberia,’’ he emphasized. By Taisiah K. Merfee

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