Rocky Hill Community Chairman Ngolloe Hails IPNEWS for Liberianization

Business News

Rocky Hill Community Chairman Ngolloe Hails IPNEWS for Liberianization

–As IPNEWS Fetes Children in 3rd Anniversary Celebration

IPNEWS: The chairman of the Rocky Hill Community in the vicinity of the Ducor Palace Hotel, US Embassy, and the Mamba Point community, Mr. Andrew N. Ngolloe has hailed the management and staff of Molixium Ventures, Inc. publishers of the Independent Probe Newspaper and owners of Venus Sanitation, for believing in the Liberianization policy and practicing it well to the letter.

Speaking Saturday, November 5, 2022, at a Children’s gathering to begin the third anniversary of The Independent Probe Newspaper, Chairman Ngolloe expressed gratitude to the IPNEWS family for choosing their community – Rocky Hill – to operate full-fledged Liberian businesses that have employed competent and qualified Liberian professionals to showcase their expertise in the field of journalism, evidenced in the work The Independent Probe Newspaper has and continued to provide information to the Liberian populace.

“This is what we lack in this country. What we lack in this country we lack Liberian enterprises. I like to say thanks to the management and ownership of The Independent Probe. It is important that we take the economy of our country in our own hands. And to do so, it will be much more enterprising by establishing Liberian businesses that will create jobs for Liberians. This will bring income to the country as employees will pay income to government.

We say thank you for making our community your home, where you sit and work in the interest of Liberia, Africa and the rest of the world. We say thank, we will stand by you as you celebrate your third anniversary relative to the hard copy of The Independent Probe newspaper,” Chairman Ngolloe noted.

Mr. Ngolloe stated though the environment can at times be hostile for journalists to practice and inform and educate the general populace, yet the IPNEWS team has been resolute and professional in the discharge of their reportorial duties and have unearth issues that when addressed will make Liberia a better country. He then thanked the IPNEWS family and wish the God’s speed.

On his part, the Publisher of The Independent Probe Newspaper, Mr. Alaska Moore Johnson expressed gratitude to the Chairman and residents of the Rocky Hill Community for warmly accepting the IPNEWS to operate in their community.

He said since the relocation of The Independent Probe Newspaper offices in the Rocky Hill Community, there has always been cordial working relationship with the residents and looks forward to the strengthening of such relationship for the common good of both the IPNEWS and the community.

Mr. Johnson said the Children’s party held by the IPNEWS management was to show appreciation to the parents of the community by feting their children on the 3rd anniversary of the institution. He lauded them for their moral support and look forward to a more cordial relations in future endeavors.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, November 6, 2022@ 10:00 A.M, The IPNEWS family attended a divine Worship Service with Providence Baptist Church family to give God the glory for the years and protection He has provided. During the Service, IPNEWS family was prayed for, and God was asked to continue to guide, guard, and protect the management and staff of the institution as it continues to grow.

On Wednesday, November 8, 2022 @ noon there will be a lunchtime rally to support the Independent Probe Newspaper (IPNEWS) to solicit support in the purchase of its modern large-scale printing machine. The rally will be held at the Offices of Independent Probe Newspaper at the corners of West Benson Street and UN Drive in Mamba Point.

Several key personalities are expected to grace the occasion, both from the government, private, diplomatic and international community.

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