Liberia Presents Climate Change Impact at Climate Parliament Forum in Luxor, Egypt


Liberia Presents Climate Change Impact at Climate Parliament Forum in Luxor, Egypt

IPNEWS: A legislative delegation made of three lawmakers from the Honorable House of Representatives is attending the Climate Parliament Forum in Luxor, Egypt this week.

The delegation comprising of Hon. Johnson Gwaikolo, Hon. Vincent Willie and Hon. Rosana GDH Schaack are participating in climate parliament forum as they make the case of climate change in Liberia.

The House’s committee chair on Mines & Energy and Natural Resources Hon. Vincent Willie Friday, 4th November made a PowerPoint presentation on the impact of Climate change in Liberia.

Hon. Willie stated in his presentation that Climate change has affected nearly every sector of the Liberian society. From fluctuation of the country’s farming season to erotic weather patterns that are causing substantial harm to farming and crop yield.

He stated that Disastrous Coastal Evolution resulting from Global warming and sea-level rise continue to make way for expansion of the Atlantic Ocean in places like Buchanan, Grand Bassa county wiping away coastal settlements like Atlantic Street, old and new Fanti towns.

The Liberian lawmaker said the Country’s Capital City Monrovia has suffered the impact of folding which at times has resulted to lives, properties, and the imposition of untold suffering to families.

He says the impacts of climate change and global warning in Liberia is acute lack of climate knowledge across the Country; giving an example of the Mesurado wetland and its mangrove ecosystem which he mentioned are under significant danger due to daily cutting down of mangrove trees and the construction of makeshift homes.
He also stressed on Deforestation as being another major impact of climate change.

Hon. Willie averred that data shows that half of the population in Liberia lives within 2.5 kilometer of forest. Each day these households spend over three hours collecting forest products for subsistence and for sale, earning 35% of income.

He concluded by saying Forests and trees that store carbon are degraded or completely cleared daily– aiding the potential of releasing back into the atmosphere carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change.

The House’s Mines & Energy, Natural Resources Chairman further mentioned that currently there is an imperative need to increase climate education and take concrete actions that will promote Liberia’s biodiversity and protect its rich natural environment from the impacts of climate change and global warning.

The Luxor Forum, co-sponsored on the eve of COP27 by the Climate Parliament, the Pan-African Parliament and the UN Industrial Development Organisation, will create a dialogue between elected lawmakers, donor agencies and the private sector. It will address the central question: How can we finance and build a new clean energy system for everyone on earth fast enough to avoid a climate breakdown.

The forum runs from the 4th -6th of November; while the Liberian legislative delegation head Hon. Johnson N. Gwaikolo is expected to remain and join other World leaders to participate in the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Egypt.

UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh is set to intensify the scale and effectiveness of innovation in tackling climate change and help deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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