Green Revolution Alarms ‘Sinister Motive’ ahead of Voters’ Registration in Cape Mount


Green Revolution Alarms ‘Sinister Motive’ ahead of Voters’ Registration in Cape Mount

-Accuses Senators Sherman, Taylor as Masterminds

The Green Revolution of Liberia, a political pressure, pro-advocacy, activism and democracy group, alarms what it calls ‘Sinister motive being hatched ahead of the Voters’ Registration’ for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

In a press release issued on Saturday, November 5, 2022 in Tewor District in Grand Cape Mount County, the National Chairman and Gladiator of the Green Revolution of Liberia, Varney Manja Kromah informed journalists, the people of Cape Mount and Liberians at large, that the political pressure group has unearthed plans by incumbent Senators Varney Sherman and Simeon Taylor to allegedly manipulate the pending Voters’ Registration process for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

According to Chairman Manja Kromah, there are plans by Senator Sherman to manipulate the National Elections Commission (NEC) County Magistrate to ensure that before any resident or citizens of Cape Mount County register during the voters’ registration process, a National Citizen Identification Card, Passport or Birth Certificate must be shown, or else failure to do, that person will not be allowed to register and obtain voters’ card.

The Green Revolution National Chairman and Gladiator said his group will mobilize people of Grand Cape Mount and inform them about what he calls ‘criminal strategy’ being employed by Cllr. Sherman, Senator Simeon Taylor and some elements of the NEC County Office to deny their people of their constitutional rights to decide who to lead them comes 2023 elections.

Mr. Kromah says the Green Revolution of Liberia does not object to Liberians presenting other national identification documents to support their citizenship, but noted that before such measures are put into place and set as criteria, the mechanism must be put into place that will easily allow every Liberian, whether in urban or rural places to obtain those national identification without hindrances as Liberians have experienced year-in, year-out; other than that there will be no way that such measure will be instituted for the forthcoming Voters’ Registration which is scheduled to commence in December 2022.

“The strategy which is now been implemented by wicked progenitors of instability, National Elections Commission ensure that every Liberian citizens before being allowed to register come December 15, 2022, you must present to their paid agents, a national ID, passport or birth certificate not taken into consideration the bureaucratic policies surrounding these documents and the level of encapsulation of our country to acquire any of these documents giving the fact of hardship in the country.

The government of President Weah which is expected to have been masses-based movement cannot be this insensitive to the rights of our people. Cllr. Sherman’s plan to allegedly pay for 40,000 citizens or residents of Grand Bassa County as well as Nimba County to be trucked in our County so as to influence the number and manipulate the decision of our people will be resisted highly.

We will put the requisite mechanism into play to ensure that these political mujahedeens are not registered,” Mr. Manja Kromah of the Green Revolution of Liberia emphasized.

Commenting on what the Green Revolution of Liberia will do to undo whatsoever ‘sinister motive’ being hatched by political bigots in Grand Cape Mount County, Mr. Kromah says “We will mobilize the people of Grand Cape Mount County on either side of the Liberia-Sierra Leone border to register and freely participate in the upcoming elections, where no bottleneck will be entertained.”

Concluding, the Green Revolution of Liberia National Chairman and Gladiator, Varney Manja Kromah cautioned the National Elections Commission (NEC) and the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) to assign only their staffs who speak Vai, Mendi and Gola in their county so as to ensure that those who are registering are citizens or inhabitants of Grand Cape Mount County without any embarrassment.

“Failure on the part of the NEC and the LIS to comply by these major concerns of our people, there will NO VOTER REGISTRATION IN GRAND CAPE MOUNT COUNTY,” Mr. Manja Kromah stressed.

Meanwhile efforts by IPNEWS as ascertain from Senators Sherman and Taylor regarding the accusation levied against them by the Green Revolution of Liberia regarding an alleged sinister motive to manipulate the NEC to infuse bottlenecks into the voters’ registration process, proved futile.

But two die-hard county officials of Senators Sherman and Taylor told IPNEWS correspondent in the county that the two Senators have no intention to either truck people in the country to draw huge numbers for the voters’ registration or impose on NEC about National ID card, Passport or Birth Certificate to be presented as being alleged by the Green Revolution of the Liberia because the people of Grand Cape Mount County are resolved to support incumbent Varney Sherman, who has got the political endorsement of Senator Simeon Taylor for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

Political pundits in Grand Cape Mount say they are watching the process keenly and will not also hesitate to expose any shady deals leading to the voters’ registration process for the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

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