Pres. George Weah Dedicates Largest Oxygen Plan


Pres. George Weah Dedicates Largest Oxygen Plan

—- As Liberia Prepares To Counter All forms of Emergencies

IPNEWS:Liberian Pesident George Weah has dedicated the first largest oxygen plant in Liberia, as the country prepare to respondto all forms of emergencies, accordingto Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina S. Jallah.

Some of the initial oxygen produced for supply at various health facilities

Located at Star Base, Bushrod Island, the plant will be used as a reference point for oxygen supply to major health facilities across the country.

Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony, President George Weah described the facility as a major breakthrough for the health sector.

Oxygen concentration center

He said the facility is part of a major plan by the Health Ministry to rollout eleven major medical oxygen plants across the country.

The Liberian Leader expressed the hope that the oxygen plant will be fully utilized by health facilities to save the lives of their patients.

President Weah then used the occasion to reaffirm his government’s commitment to providing health services to communities and last-mile villages.

The President added that those crucial interventions are part of efforts aimed at achieving universal health coverage for citizens.

For her part, Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah stated that the facility will resolve longstanding problem of low oxygen supply at major hospitals and health facilities across the country.

Dr. Jallah stated that the medical oxygen produced at the Plant at Star Base will be useful for operation, asthmatic and any patient who becomes low on oxygen.

She said the plant, which is the largest in the country, will serve almost two million people given its production capacity of over a hundred cylinders of medical oxygen per day.

The Health Minister then lauded the WHO, USAID, the government of Germany and other partners for supporting the project.

Dr. Jallah described the plant as hugely significant to Liberia’s healthcare delivery system.

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