Liberia-Ivory Coast Sign 27MW Power Agreement in TRANSCO CLSG Deal

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Liberia-Ivory Coast Sign 27MW Power Agreement in TRANSCO CLSG Deal

IPNEWS: The Minister of Mines and Energy, Gesler Murray has disclosed that the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and Cote d’Ivoire have concluded a 27MW Power Agreement in the TRANSCO CLSG deal.

Murray claimed that government and its partners are keen that residents access electricity as they do during the rainy season. He said, “The first 27MW of power from the Ivory Coast will start to flow on December 1, 2022. Cross-border power imports will greatly lessen the power load shedding that occurred during the last dry season.”
The management of TRANSCO CLSG praised the Liberian government’s choice to include US$14 million in the recast budget for 2022. For initiatives to increase the country’s access to reliable and cheap energy.

The 27MW power agreement in TRANSCO CLSG to help provide electricity to millions of Liberians
The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Cote d’Ivoire and the Transmission Service Agreement with TRANSCO CLSG, which will pave the way for the delivery of light to millions of Liberians who are eagerly awaiting electricity, are among the necessary commercial agreements that would be impacted by the appropriation, according to TRANSCO.

Furthermore, a crucial participant in the TRANSCO CLSG deal is the Republic of Liberia. 537km of the 1, 303km high-voltage transmission line that connects Cote d’Ivoire to Monrovia, Yekepa and Botota travel through Liberia. With the exception of Botota, four of the five substations have been finished, powered up, and made operational.

In response to the dry season power outages, Murray announced that the government is preparing to close the “generation gap.” Mr. Murray emphasized that the operation would involve the upkeep of machinery, purchases, and supply of electricity throughout the nation.
Murray said, “Furthermore, the repair of the Bushrod Thermal Plant generators, the purchase of HFO and LFO for these thermal generators, and the repair of the damaged Turbine Unit at the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant are just a few of the interventions to close the dry season gap that will be made.”

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