Education System Remains Messy – Students Sit on Floors at Little Bassa Public School


Education System Remains Messy – Students Sit on Floors at Little Bassa Public School

IPNEWS: Despite efforts to improve Liberia’s education system by past and present governments, the sector remains awkward and saturated with huge challenges ranging from makeshift structures to inadequate instructional materials. One case in point is the Little Bassa Public School in District #1, Grand Bassa County where children sit on the bare floor to write.

According to the Principal, Mr. William B. Smith who spoke to our roving reporter recently, the unavailability of seating capacity has existed since the inception of the Weah-led administration five years ago.

He disclosed to IPNEWS that numerous appeals have been made to address what he calls a perennial problem at the school, but all have fallen on deaf ears.

Mr Smith indicated that the Parents-Teachers Association has conducted several meetings with the District & County Education Officers all of which have proven futile.

The principal also intimated that there are seven teachers three of whom are on payroll while the other four teachers are volunteers.

The school which was established in 1974 has a total of 328 students, 194 of which are females while the rest are males. The Little Bassa Public School is located in Electoral District # 1, Grand Bassa County, a town in which majority of the people rely heavily on fish mongering for living.

Meanwhile, the Mr. William B. Smith is appealing to national government to kindly supply the school with armchairs so as to improve the quality of learning at the institution, because according to him enrollment continue to rise every academic year. He’s also appealing to Representative Hans M. Barchue to see the urgent need to augment the stipends given to volunteer teachers at the school. He informed IPNEWS that each volunteer makes US$4000, 00 a month.

He said the PTA is the source of the funds paid to the volunteers. Seykajipo Amegashie writes.0777594750/0880554136

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