Bong County: Melvin Cole Falls In Trouble With Citizens; Vow To Lead A Campaign For His Exit


Bong County: Melvin Cole Falls In Trouble With Citizens; Vow To Lead A Campaign For His Exit

By: J. Peter S. Dennis

IPNEWS: Scores of Bong County citizens have lashed at electoral district#3 Representative Josiah Marvin Cole’s assertion branding Bongese as a disorganized people.

Speaking during the first graduation convocation of the John Flomo Bakalu High School in Gbarnga over the weekend, Representative Cole said, “Bong County Citizens are disorganized people and don’t have a focus and purpose”.

“Bong County is a disorganized group of people because they are fighting for no reason; when we should be uniting and fighting for our goal” he stated.
Representative Cole pointed out that there is total confusion in the county for not having a purpose.
He failed to state the source of the confusion that he says has stalled development in the county. The electoral district#3 representative also refused to take his share of troubles he has reportedly caused in the county.

“We need to stop the unnecessary fight. There is fight everywhere. In the academic sector, there’s confusion. In the medical, there’s confusion. In the political sector, there’s a huge confusion” he pointed out.
But speaking on major talk shows in the county, the Bong County citizens noted that representative Cole’s statement is intended to breed chaos in the county.

“Representative Cole is right because we felt for him to vote him after being dismissed by former president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2017 as City Mayor of Gbarnga. He is part of every confusion in the county. He undermines every aspiring and qualify young person in the county. We don’t blame him” they stressed.

According to them, the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI), Phebe Referral Hospital, CB Dunbar maternity hospital, Dolokelen Gboveh high school, amongst other institutions have all been victimized of Representative Cole’s reported wicked deeds.
They explained that the district#3 lawmaker keeps witch hunting qualified sons and daughters from their positions by recommending like-minded CDCians of low qualifications in the county. They failed to name anyone.

But Representative Josiah Marvin Cole is also on record of telling Bongese that former Agriculture Minister Dr. Mogana S. Flomo, Jr. lost his job because he laid of his qualifications- a move many feel was intended to replace Dr. Flomo with a CDCian who will directly take instructions from them rather than following institutional policy.

Also, former Dolokelen Gboveh’s principal- J. Wesseh B. Zoryou cried that his dismissal was triggered by Representative Cole. Current Lofa County Education Officer Mr. James T. Zuannah publicly accused rep. Cole of being transferred from Bong County to Lofa.

Up to press time, his office has not responded.
The Bong County citizens openly regretted their votes for Cole; vowing to campaign against him in 2023.
“When the corn will be good, you can notice it during its germination. Since Cole’s ascendency, he has always disappointed us. Just see what he did few months ago- he openly fought his colleague for CARI business while in section. Our mistake is suffering us- we can’t repeat this next year” they pointed out.

“We will campaign against him for publicly insulting us as hospitable people. No need to keep wasting our time behind him” they vowed.

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