A Dawn of Hope for PUL – A Momentous Evolution in Sight


A Dawn of Hope for PUL – A Momentous Evolution in Sight

By Romeo J. Togba
A Liberian Journalist

“On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, several miles away from our shores, the world witnessed a momentous transition/evolution as a man of color, a man of Asian descent, a Hindi becoming the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK).

Rishi Sunak achieved such a feat not merely because of his caste. He achieved such a landmark not because of his Asian origin and or the basis of sympathy.

No, Sunak did so because of a broad-based consensus and an empirically measured qualification that he is aptly suited to deliver the UK out of its current state of political and economic “dungeon”.

And as Sunak broke those glass ceilings on Tuesday. October 25, 2022 in the UK, under the radiant sun in Monrovia on the West Coast of Africa, on 11th Street in Sinkor, members of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) saw a ray of hope reflecting an inevitable transition that will mark the dawn of new day for their beloved organization.

It is a transition that will catapult the PUL into an institution that bears a hallmark of impartial advocacy. A transition that will herald a PUL that places the optimum premium on the wellbeing of its members.

This is a transition that is marking a new day in which the PUL is a meaningful contributor to dialogues on the forward movement of the society. Yes, it’s a transition marking the rebirth of a PUL that truly accentuates the values of democracy and propels efforts toward the consolidation of good governance.

And as the package of that transition was being unwrapped on October 25, the National Campaign Management Team of Julius Kanubah-PUL Presidency was dedicating its headquarters and unveiling its manifesto for the PUL. It can easily be said that it was a glorious trilogy telling the story of the serious minded and development-oriented nature of the Kabubah’s mission to redeem the Press Union of Liberia.

The symbolism of the dedication of the headquarters also magnifies the undimming determination of Julius Kanubah to make the PUL a progressive and a result driven institution. And that is steeped in our six-pillar agenda of:

1. Accountable leadership
2. Impartial advocacy
3. Construction of the PUL Headquarters
4. Increased support for women in journalism
5. Impactful media development vis-à-vis journalists’ economic empowerment and good partnerships with government/private and civil society actors
6. Formations of regional and county-based media hubs across Liberia.

Kanubah is the man for the job. And we are making him the next leader of the PUL.”

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