Tabital Pulaku Int’l – Liberia Donates 10K Educational Materials to 10 Schools in Monrovia


Tabital Pulaku Int’l – Liberia Donates 10K Educational Materials to 10 Schools in Monrovia

IPNEWS: A not-for-profit organization named Tabital Pulaku International Liberia over the weekend presented educational materials to 10 schools in Monrovia and its environs.

Making the presentation at the Organization’s head office in Monrovia, the President of the group said it was their own way of giving back to society most especially to the educational sector following the opening of schools in the country.

Yousouf Barry said education is important to any Nation and that is why they are trying to make their little contributions to the overall development of Liberia through their back-to-school program.

Barry recalled when being honored some time ago he made a promise to the Group and its members that he was going the make a donation to the group especially the schools, adding “this why we are here today to live up to our commitment as an organization and members.”

According to him no nation can develop the mind of its citizens without basic education, though acknowledging the challenges thereof, but noted “it’s always good for us to learn how to give back.”

He said as President of Tabital International Liberia, he is calling on Liberians to help in maintaining the peace as the Nation goes towards the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections next year.

Mr. Barry said it is time that all Liberians come together as one family in the interest of the Country and its people by upholding the peace and always preach the message of peace at their various Worship Centers – be it Church or Mosque.

Barry noted giving back to Humanity is the right way to go as Muslims and Christians.

He added that the Fula Community are also contributing to the development of Liberia and as such, “it is time that we all put aside our individual differences and work in the interest of Liberia for the betterment of all both Christians and Muslims.”

Benefiting schools include Muslim Congress School System, Alieu Foundation School, Pottal Islamic School, Salafiya Grammar School, Fulani United Community School System, Bassa Town Islamic School, Yayah Initiative, United Ummah, Elema Islamic School and the Islamic Unity among others.

Speaking on behalf of the schools that receives the Educational Materials the Dean of Students Affairs of the Muslim Congress Mahmoud N. Kiadii said they were delighted to receive such a huge Donations from TPIL As their way of giving back to various schools.

He said they are going to use the items for the students and for institution for betterment of the nation and its people especially at this difficult time that parents are facing it hard to pay fees, and school Materials.

Kiadii added that it’s time all well-meaning Liberians see the example of the TPIL and copy after them and help Liberians through educational materials.

He said Islam had taught them how to give and this is what they are receiving these educational materials from TPIL and its members, stating let God replace the money from where it is coming from and be multiplied.

On his part, the Islamic advisor to President George Weah said this was their own way of helping the schools.

“The Fula Community is grateful to the President of the Republic of Liberia for this opportunity for me to serve as Islamic advisor to this Administration this is the first time and it’s from this background that we are representing Liberian Fula Community internationally. 

This is the first time for the Community to be represented, we went to the Program in Nigeria where several Heads of State were there, and we were able to lobby in making sure that Yousouf Barry was elected as the Financial Secretary to that international body.”

The Islamic advisor to President George Weah said the Fula Community in Liberia is a partner in the development of Country.

“We have not launched this program yet, but we need to honor our President of Tabital International Liberia, the election was very tense to see our President being elected to one of the most important positions.” By: Taisiah K. Merfee.

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