Liberty Party’s Split Seems Far from Over – Retires Political Leader Position, Holds Convention November


Liberty Party’s Split Seems Far from Over – Retires Political Leader Position, Holds Convention November

IPNEWS-Monrovia:  The Liberty Party, on Monday, October 10, 2022 took some major decisions on critical issues surrounding its immediate and future existence among which were retiring the position of political leader which is currently being occupied by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, a press release issued by the party, signed and approved by Martin Kollah and Musa Hassan Bility, Secretary General and National Chairman respectively says.

The party has also instituted actions against those who have been ‘impersonating and taking decisions and actions for which they are not legally authorized to do,’ and is planning to hold its National Convention in Gbarnga in November and have called for applications from interested persons who intend to contest for legislative seats next year on the platform of the party.

The Liberty Party said it took the decision based on Article XIV of its Constitution which dwells on Transitional Provision as mandated at its December 2021 Special National Convention, which states, “In consideration of the Liberty Party decision to not feature a candidate for Standard Bearer in the 2023 Presidential and General Elections, and consistent with Article XIV: Transitional Provisions of the Liberty Party Constitution adopted at the Gbarnga Special National Convention in January 2021, which stated that ‘The NEC shall set the date for the election of the Party’s new Stander Bearer. Such election shall occur at least one (1) year prior to the Presidential and General Elections. Upon election of the new Standard Bearer, the new Standard Bearer shall replace the current Political Leader,’ it is hereby resolved that the position of the current Political Leader of the Party shall end in October 2022, which is when the tenure of the 2017 elected Standard Bearer/Political Leader shall formally come to an end, and the position of Political Leader shall be nullified until a Standard Bearer is elected, contests in, and wins the 2029 Presidential and General Elections.”

The late Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine – Founding father of Liberty Party. His spirit must be unhappy with what is continuously happening with his beloved political party that was a formidable political during his life time

The party added “consequently, the position of Political Leader is retired effective October 10, 2022 and will be reinstated, going forward, in accordance with provisions prescribed in the LP Constitution”.

The position is currently being occupied by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence of Grand Bassa County, who leads a faction of the party and has been in a long tussle with Mr. Bility over the soul of the party.

The party also took the decision to initiate legal action against former Party officials who according to the release “continue to take unauthorized and unsanctioned actions in the name of the Party, including making public pronouncements and raising funds both locally and in the diaspora, despite the fact they have been expelled from their positions within the Party and have been issued several warnings to desist from using the Party’s name for their personal activities”.

The party said for months it has tried all methods possible to prevent this course of action, however the continued insistence of these individuals has left the Party with no alternative but this course in order to compel them to discontinue these actions.

Though the party did not name anyone who it has taken action against, IPNEWS can deduce that it will be Senator Karnga-Lawrence who in fact was reported to the National Elections Commission (NEC) for functioning as political leader of the party when she was in fact “expelled” from the party.

On other matters, Liberty Party which recently joined the Alternative National Congress (ANC) to amend the framework document of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) also informed the public that plans are underway for its National Convention to be held in Gbarnga, Bong County on November 4 – 6, 2022, as provided for under its Constitution and in line with National Elections Commission regulations, in preparation for the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

The party also said pursuant to the provisions of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) Framework Document, it was formally opening its application process to for those who are interested in contesting as a Liberty Party Legislative Aspirant (Senator/ Representative) in the CPP the 2023 Presidential & General Elections in Liberia.

“All LP partisans in Good Standing, with active Party engagement, and desiring to be considered may submit a Letter of Intent to the LP National Executive Committee through its Secretary General, Mr. Martin S. Kollah. Submissions must be hand-delivered to the LP Headquarter located at 19th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia. All submissions must be clearly marked “Legislative Aspirant Application” and the submitter must get a receipt of their filing and payment from the LP. In line with the national 30% and LP 50% gender balance requirements, female aspirants are STRONGLY urged to apply”, the release said.

The party said all applicants must be Liberian citizens, must have been a domiciled resident in the constituency for one (1) year prior to election day, must be a LP member in good standing as defined by the LP constitution, and with active party participation, for a minimum of one (1) year and aspirant must pay an application fee of $100. The deadline for application is October 24, 2022.

Despite the Musa Hassan Bility’s faction of the party calling for a reported truce there seems that call has fallen on duck’s back as the political wrangling continues unabated within Liberty Party 

“All applications will be vetted by the LP National Executive Committee and aspirants will receive a formal letter informing them of the National Executive Committee’s decision by October 31, 2022. In the event that multiple applications are submitted for a single constituency, applicants will be subject to the majority decision of the LP National Executive Committee”, the release concluded.

Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence’s Liberty Party Faction Sets up Committees, Looks Forward

It can be recalled on October 4, 2022, this year, the National Leadership of the Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence’s faction of the Liberty Party constituted three committees on Restructuring, Political Negotiations, and Technical Affairs, respectively.

The action of the Liberty Party’s Political Leader conforms with Article VI paragraph III of the Party’s 2021 Constitution which provides that “The Standard Bearer/Political Leader, in consultation and collaboration with the NEC, shall formulate policy and procedures to implement the decisions of the National Convention, call Special Conventions as provided for in Article VIII, and take such other actions and proper measures that he/she may deem as necessary to advance the best interest of the Party”.

According to the LP Political Leader, the Restructuring committee will review and restructure existing County, District, Clan, and Zonal Structures of LP across Liberia, fill vacancies, if any, either through elections or by consensus; and initiate the process of Membership Drive. Members of the restructuring committee are Grand Bassa Representative Hans Barchue, Chairman Jacob J. Smith, Augustine Frederick, Jeremy Russell, Harrietta Barrain, and Madam Josephine Lester.

The Committee on Negotiations is, by the authority of the Political Leader, authorized to discuss any collaboration with like-minded political parties ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, negotiate roles of LP in any collaboration, and ensure the inclusion of LP’s Legislative candidates on the ticket of any collaboration.

The Committee will also represent LP’s interest in all political matters. Those appointed to this committee are Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, Chairman, Stephen Zargo, Jonathan Kaipay, Hans Barchue, Jacob Smith, Cllr. Carlos Smith, Atty. Kla-Edward Toomey, Kwame Ross, Priscilla Cooper, Philip Suah, and Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine.

On the other hand, the Nyonblee’s faction Liberty Party Technical Committee “will provide technical support, and organize strategies, plans, and programs for the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections. Monitor and evaluate every step of the National Elections Commission to observe trends, and ensure consistency between what the NEC releases to political parties and actual data. 

Train and monitor party agents, and poll watchers, check voters’ eligibility, manage the electoral, provide training for campaign staff, and advise LP and its collaborating partners on elections-related matters from the start of the Electoral circle to the release of Presidential and Legislative Elections results. Members of this committee are Augustine Fredrick, Chairman, T. Wilson Gaye, Naomi B. Moore, and Comfort U. Benson. 

The Political Leader is therefore reassuring all partisans and the general public that as party leader, she is prepared to do all that is within her reach to make the Liberty Party more vibrant and well situated for the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections. Also, the Political Leader is of the ardent conviction that all partisans of the Liberty Party will lend full support to the operations of the above-mentioned committees in the spirit of advancing the best interest of the party.”

The Way Forward

As the political turmoil and split within the Liberty Party continues unabated, political pundits wonder who is constitutionally clothed with the authority to run the day-to-day activities of the party organized by the late Liberian erudite constitutional lawyer, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine.

With the Supreme Court of Liberia and the National Elections Commission recognizing Musa Hassan Bility as Liberty Party National Chairman and Martin Kollah as its Secretary General respectively, it remains to be seen what constitutional grounds will the Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence stand to run the day-to-day activities of the Liberty Party, judging from recent communications from the National Elections Commission when it acknowledged a communication from the Musa Hassan Bility’s faction of the Liberty Party regarding its new collaboration with the Alternative National Congress (ANC) forming a new Collaborating Political Party (CPP) which now has by Mr. Alexander B. Cummings as its new Standard Bearer, while Musa Hassan Bility serves its National Chairman.

Will the impasse within the Liberty Party ever comes to an end judging from the continuous wrangling from both factions of the party regarding legitimacy? Political pundits are watching to see what unfolds leading the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.


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