3rd Female Chief Justice Takes Seat


3rd Female Chief Justice Takes Seat

By Jacqueline L. Dennis

The Supreme Court of Liberia has opened for it October Term of Court with a new Chief Justice, Cllr. Sie -A-Nyene G. Yuoh. Chief Justice Yuoh becomes the 3rd female in all of Liberia’s 175th years of existence.

During the opening on Monday, October 10, Chief Justice Yuoh said she is also cognizant of the Judicial Financial Autonomy Act (2006), and the need to ensure strict compliance with the law, as the debate surrounding the harmonization of salaries of justices and judges.

Chief Justice Youh: “I am mindful of the urgency to establish guidelines for our ethical investigating bodies, and Judicial Inquiry Commission and the Grievance and Ethics Committee and the need to revisit the rules of court.”

She further indicated that every lawyer and judge is conscious of the challenges facing the Judiciary. According to her, all of them have felt the pinch of the diverse issue affecting this branch of government.

Justice Yuoh, was quick to point out that on September 29, 2022, when she took the solemn oath during her commissioning as Chief Justice, she was challenged to uphold the constitutional duties and responsibilities associated with the Office of Chief Justice.

Justice Yuoh, among other things said that the five-person Bench will be steadfast in upholding the values and purpose for which the courts of the republic were created.

She further explained that they are mindful that the Supreme Court is the last place of hope, and as such they are resolved to reposition their court to a Judicial stature that will not only be highly respected but revered by all despite the changes of society.

She reiterated that they would work with the Liberian National Bar Association and the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia to review and conclude on the draft rules for their ethical investigation bodies in order to eliminate unethical law practitioners in a swift and decisive manner rather than giving warning in their opinions.

Chief Justice Yuoh also said that the legal profession is still male dominated, stressing the need for female lawyers to put aside timidity and embrace confidence, strive for excellence, and be assertive.

According to her the foundation of these attributes should be a solid education and knowledge of the law in order to strike a balance or at best, surpass their male counterparts to the extent that all the five Justices will be females and the majority of the counselors at law attending the Supreme Court’s opening will be female lawyers.

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