“President Weah Does Not Care” – ANC Cummings Wails On Rice Scarcity


“President Weah Does Not Care” – ANC Cummings Wails On Rice Scarcity

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Following weeks of scarcity of rice on the Liberian market, the Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alexander B Cummings has attributed what he termed as Pres. George Weah’s inability to ensure remedy to the crisis, to his lack of interest for the Liberian masses.

Addressing a news conference on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at the Liberty Party Headquarters in 19th street Sinkor, the ANC Political Leader said the shortage of the political commodity on the market, dwells on the lack of interest for the betterment of Liberians, as well as the incompetence in the ruling establishment.

“In the face of all of this, President Weah is partying with his Ministers as Liberians are scrambling to find food to eat. The President failed to even speak to the Liberian people and provide leadership during this crisis. The truth is, the President does not care”, he intruded.

Pres. Weah and First Lady Clar Weah arrive at their Jamaica Resort at the RIA highway where he was met by Cabinet Ministers and other Liberians during his birthday gathering on Saturday, October 1, 2022.

Mid Tuesday, October 4, 2022, the Ministry of Information at a special press conference, maintained that there is a sufficient quantity of rice on the market to supply the public, despite several proven evidences through scenes from the sale points of major importers.

The government maintained that it has been working with importers over the period to ensure that rice is sold at the stable and affordable price. It was also established at the news conference that about USD$14 million importers to ensure that the commodity is sold at an affordable cost.

Pres. Weah flanked by his wife, First Lady Clar Weah, along with Cabinet Ministers at his 56 birthday gathering at Jamaica Resort along the RIA highway on Saturday, October 1, 2022

But however, the ANC Political Leader linked the government alleged muteness in the situation despite the unwavering demand for the commodity and challenges citizens are confronting in getting it, to what he described as the lack of interest of the President for the Liberian masses.

He further asserted that the scarcity of rice on the Liberian market is rapidly leading to the sharp increase in the prices of supplementary foods, including cassava, eddoes, plantain, fufu, and other basic commodities.

Mr. Cummings believes the increase in the price of the various commodities, is worsening the hardships on the citizens, all across the country.

However, the CPP standard bearer also provided that poor judgments, and the lack of leadership are undermining the country’s international image and reputation, making it difficult to attract investors to our country.

He termed the lack of accountability around the rice subsidy allotted by the legislature, disbursed and received the executive as a regular occurrence of embezzlement under the CDC leadership.

Marketers sleep outdoors at the store of one of Liberia’s rice importers, Fouani with the hope to buy rice for onward dealing to Liberians. But their efforts were to no avail

“All of these only further testify that President Weah is misleading our country, destroying our important relationships, worsening the living condition of the Liberian people, and exposing our country and citizens to danger. In 5 years, President Weah has shown all of us that he is incompetent, irresponsible, and his lack of leadership makes him a danger to our country’s peace and security. We must rescue our country from the incapable hands of President Weah in 2023”, he expanded.

Howbeit, it can be reference that in recent time, Liberians from all parts of the country have complained about the scarcity of the country’s stable food (rice).

Additionally, it has been proven through vivid scene at major importers facilities, where Liberians in their numbers turn up on a daily basis in queue, to purchase rice in different quantities.

Following the recent rice tragedy, the price of a 25kg bag of rice has reportedly increased from US$13.50 to US$20, US$22 and US$25 respectively in Monrovia and other parts adjacent. The retail price of a cup of rice, which was sold for L$35, is presently being sold for between L$80 to L$100, respectively.

Local traders and consumers continue to troop at warehouses of importers in Monrovia in search of the commodity.

A May 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization Alert indicated that Food insecurity at unprecedented levels in most coastal and Sahelian countries.

The alert revealed that the alarmingly high level of food insecurity is due to localized shortfalls in cereal production in 2021, worsening conflicts, high food prices, and macroeconomic. Courtesy: Women’s TV – Liberia

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