LNP Warns Rice Smugglers and Hoarders

Crime Watch

LNP Warns Rice Smugglers and Hoarders

IPNEWS::The Liberia National Police says it has come to the attention of the Liberia National Police that some rice dealers, are in the constant habit of hiding the commodity with intent of increasing price while some are smuggling it across to neighboring countries for higher prices.

The police said such action is causing serious inconveniences to the Government and its citizens and residents.

In view of this, the LNP immediately activated officers across the country to effect arrest of perpetrators of said ugly act.

Since the activations of police officers across the nation, there have been several arrests made in various parts of the country on pending charges of economic sabotage, profiteering and cheating and defrauding government.

To date, the following individuals/vendors/ business persons were arrested, pending various charges:

1. Mr. Ahmad Saksouk (Labanese Businessman) was arrested in Dupo road with 62 bags of 25kg Star rice at sale price of 30 USD;

2. Mr. Skymilay Dorbor was arrested at Gobachop junction selling government PRO-POOR RICE out of a blue truck marked H0889. Mr. Dorbor was selling a bag of 25kg Pro Poor rice 20 USD;

3. Mr. Mamadu Jalloh was arrested at Omega with 27 bags of 25kg Star rice sold at 30 USD;

4. Madam Garmai Roberts was arrested in Paynesville with 14 bags of 25kg Star rice sold at $30 USD;

5. Madan Ma-Bee of Ganta city Nimba county was arrested with 199 bags of 25kg Star rice sold at 30 USD;

6. Madam Marvina Doe of New Kru Town was arrested with 160 bags of 25kg Star rice sold at 5,500 LD;

7. Madam Omu Bah of West point was arrested with 22 bags of 25kg Star rice sold at 5000 LD;

8. Madam Sata Weasley was arrested in West Point with unspecified number of bags of 25kg rice sold at $30 USD.

As a result of tip off from Commerce Inspectors, Joint Security forces were successful in confiscating two trucks of rice at Loguatuo border in Nimba County.

The length of each of the trucks is about a 40ft container, with an estimate of over 2,500 bags of 25kg rice contained in both trucks.

Currently the rice is being guarded by LNP tactical unit pending transports to Monrovia by the Ministry of Commerce.

In awake of unfolding developments, the Inspector General of Police, Hon. Patrick Toe Sudue further reiterates calls to all business individuals, vendors and distributors that until government can change the prices of rice, any arbitrary increase in price for profiteering will be termed as illegal.

Members of the public are also urged to assist the LNP with any useful information leading to the arrest of individuals in the habit of hiding, increasing the price or smuggling rice to neighboring countries for profiteering.

Anyone that has any useful information can call the following numbers: 0770800911/ 0770800990/ 0770800111/ 0770800423/ 0 770800109/ 0770800122/ 0770800117.

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