LNP Debunks Rep. Yekeh Kolubah’s Lies about LNP Recruitment


LNP Debunks Rep. Yekeh Kolubah’s Lies about LNP Recruitment

IPNEWS: The Liberia National Police is saddened of lies spilled in the public by District 10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah about the LNP training recruits in ten days; thus, issuing them firearm certificates.

The LNP notes that had Rep. Kolubah cross-checked his facts before releasing said information, it would have placed him in an informed position on the processes leading to recruitment and certification of entry-level officers.

In THIS release, the LNP clarifies that at no point in time did it train recruits in ten days and issued them firearm, as alleged by Rep. Kolubah.

The LNP is currently conducting vetting of recruits who have just sat its aptitude test at the Police Academy and Training Schools, as part of requirements for the training of a new batch of officers to upgrade the Police strength. The LNP hasn’t started any recruit training as claimed by Rep. Kolubah.

As part of best practices and training formalities, the public will play its role appropriately in assessing the list of recruits and reporting on any recruit(s) that may have committed against human rights violation which could lead to the disqualification so said candidates.

Last week, about 170 officers comprising members of the Joint Security which includes:

  1. Liberia National Police
  2. Liberia Immigration Service and 3. The Drug Enforcement Agency

Participants of these Joint Security Institutions were awarded certificates at the National Police Traing Academy and Training Schools after rigorously completing training drills on Diplomatic Crowd Handling (Riot Control MANAGEMENT) with sole sponsorship from the French Government.

THE training was the third batch of trainees who benefited from CROWD control MANAGEMENT TRAINING WHICH WAS SPONSORED BY THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT.

Such training was also conducted by the Chinese government last year and the year before.

Hence, the LNP urges Rep. Kolubah to desist from making uninformed assertions that have the propensity to undermine national security and disrupt the peace and stability of the state.

The LNP statement further adds, “The current Police Administration remains resolute and will do nothing to harm any of its citizens or undercut the gains already made in consolidating the peace and stability of the state.

As a lawmaker, the LNP anticipates that Rep. Kolubah will be more concerned about promulgating peace and stability and desist from making inflammatory statements.

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