Liberia: Maxwell Kemayah Blasts Russia Annexation of Ukraine Territory


Liberia: Maxwell Kemayah Blasts Russia Annexation of Ukraine Territory

IPNEWS: Liberia’s Foreign Minister  Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. says it is appalling for any new form of colonialism; as is being manifested by Putin’s Russia, “We, therefore, condemn in the strongest term the annexation of parts of Ukraine”, Minister Kemayah noted.

Earlier this year, at the start of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia Liberia publicly condemned Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and called for peaceful settlement through dialogue.

The Dean of the Cabinet mentioned that annexing any part of another independent and sovereign state is a relic of the past, and belongs to the dustbin of history, noting that no amount of justification can back this ennoble act of “might makes rights“.

“We pledge to uphold this cordial relation and to continue to deepen it from time to time. We wish to reiterate  President George Weah’s profound best wishes and congratulations through you, Mr. Ambassador, to his counterpart,  Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany and, pray that the excellent ties subsisting between our two nations and peoples remain on the trajectory of strength to strength”, Minister Kemayah says.

On his part, the German Ambassador to Liberia, Dr. Jakob Haselhuber says Germany has been present in Liberia since the 1850s, adding that in the roughly 170 years ever since its presence has been steady and reliable.

Ambassador Haselhuber says at the beginning it was marked by trade, whilst at present, bilateral relations embrace a wide field from politics to business, from cooperation to the conservation of flora and fauna to science and culture.

Ambassador Haselhuber said on the political and diplomatic side, he is particularly impressed by the openness of the members of government, parliament, and judiciary whom he has met as well as by the spirit of solidarity and coherence of the diplomatic corps.

Ambassador Haselhuber further mentioned that Liberia is a reliable partner in the United Nations and in or fora, noting that his government is most grateful for Liberia’s support for their common cause, and commended President Weah for his resolute and determined support as expressed most recently in his speech to the UN General Assembly.

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