Over Deepening Liberty Party Division: Sen. Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence Constitutes Three New Committees Without Chairman, But….


Over Deepening Liberty Party Division: Sen. Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence Constitutes Three New Committees Without Chairman, But….

The National Leadership of the Liberty Party headed by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence as political Leader, has with immediate effect constituted three committees on Restructuring, Political Negotiations, and Technical Affairs, respectively. The action of the LP Leader conforms with Article VI paragraph III of the Party’s 2021 Constitution which provides that The Standard Bearer/Political Leader, in consultation and collaboration with the NEC, shall formulate policy and procedures to implement the decisions of the National Convention, call Special Conventions as provided for in Article VIII, and take such other actions and proper measures that he/she may deem as necessary to advance the best interest of the Party”.

According to the LP Political Leader, the Restructuring committee will review and restructure existing County, District, Clan, and Zonal Structures of LP across Liberia, fill vacancies, if any, either through elections or by consensus; and initiate the process of Membership Drive. Members of the restructuring committee are Hon. Hans Barchue, Chairman, Jacob J. Smith, Augustine Frederick, Jeremy Russell, Harrietta Barrain, and Madam Josephine Lester.

The Committee on Negotiations is, by the authority of the Political Leader, authorized to discuss any collaboration with likeminded political parties ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, negotiate roles of LP in any collaboration, and ensure the inclusion of LP’s Legislative candidates on the ticket of any collaboration. The committee will also represent LP’s interest in all political matters. Those appointed to this committee are Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, Chairman, Stephen J. H. Zargo, Jonathan L. Kaipay, Hans Barchue, Jacob Smith, and Cllr. Carlos Smith, Atty. Kla-Edward Toomey, Kwame Ross, Priscilla Cooper, Philip Suah, and Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine.

On the other hand, the Technical Committee will provide technical support, and organize strategies, plans, and programs for the 2023 Presidential and legislative elections. Monitor and evaluate every step of the National Elections Commission to observe trends and ensure consistency between what the NEC releases to political parties and actual data. Train and monitor party agents, and poll watchers, check voters’ eligibility, manage the electoral, provide training for campaign staff, and advise LP and its collaborating partners on elections-related matters from the start of the Electoral circle to the release of Presidential and Legislative Elections results. Members of this committee are Augustine Fredrick, Chairman, T. Wilson Gaye, Naomi B. Moore, and Comfort U. Benson.

The Political Leader is therefore reassuring all partisans and the general public that as party leader, she is prepared to do all that is within her reach to make the Liberty Party more vibrant and well situated for the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections. Also, the Political Leader is of the ardent conviction that all partisans of the Liberty Party will lend full support to the operations of the above-mentioned committees in the spirit of advancing the best interest of the party.

with the new mandate by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence as political Leader, with the national Chairman, Musa Hassan Bility, there’s still remain what would be the next action.  IPNEWS did not get feedback from Chairman Bility up to press time, however, will bring you update as other information unfolds.

Recently, Liberty Political leader, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, threatened the National Elections Commission with a lawsuit from the faction of the opposition Liberty Party controlled by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence.

The threat, which is yet to go into play, if acted upon, seeks to force the electoral body to avoid “unwarranted intrusion into the internal matters” of the Liberty party, which has been in crisis since its founder, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine died.

The inner fight, primarily over who controls the party, took a severe turn after relationships between the party’s political leader, Karnga-Lawrence, and its chairman, Musa Bility, broke down, leading to both officials declaring each other expelled.

However, the latest fight, which has now led to a threat of a lawsuit against the NEC, comes as Bility’s faction of the party gains recognition from the electoral body.

This was contained in a letter from the NEC to Bility recognizing his faction’s collaboration with the Alternative National Congress (ANC) as part of the rebranding of the Collaborating Political Parties — a development that has not gone down with the Karnga-Lawrence faction as they prepare to challenge the NEC’s decision in court.

“The National leadership of Liberty Party, headed by Senator Karnga-Lawrence has learned with utmost dismay of a communication from the NEC addressed to Bility associating the Liberty Party with a bogus collaboration with the ANC,” the Grand Bassa County Senator said in a statement.

“Given the relentless determination of the NEC to prolong the crisis in the party at the directive of Bility and his benefactors, the Party is constrained to announce a string of political and legal actions to be taken against the unwarranted intrusion of the NEC into its internal matters.

“The date for these unspecified political actions will shortly be announced and the government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Justice, will be duly informed.  These mass political and legal actions are intended to [show] how the NEC continues to recklessly undermine the stability of a critical opposition political party in the country,” Karnga-Lawrence added. “We herewith call on all partisans and supporters to stand ready as we pursue the ultimate actions to unmask the devil behind the scene and secure our party once and for all.”

The Senator added that from the inception of the party crisis, the NEC, by admission and omission, is the principal enabler of the actions of Bility to disintegrate the Liberty Party. She described it as unfortunate that the credibility and neutrality of the NEC, a supposed integrity institution created by law to protect ‘our promising democracy’, has been eroded in broad daylight.”

Karnga-Lawrence then accused Bility of securing a criminal appearance bond for the NEC Chairperson Davidetta Brown-Lansanah when “she was criminally indicted by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission for influence peddling and conflict of interest.”

“By this latest action of the NEC, it is now even more conspicuous that the Chairman and Members of the Board of Commissioners, have elevated their conspiracy with Bility to render Liberty Party inconsequential to the 2023 General and Presidential Elections by keeping the institution in perpetual conflict.

“How could an election management body that is charged with the responsibility to exercise a duty of prudence be so parochial in its judgment?” the Senator wonders. “Did we not notify the NEC that Bility’s latest action violated the very Constitution whose correction he participated in, following his admission to altering provisions of the document? Did the NEC entertain any conference or hearing between the two parties to dispose of the issues raised?

According to the Senator, the procedures to commit Liberty Party to collaboration require a decision of her office in consultation with the National Executive Committee, and “not a spontaneous and unilateral decision by a single individual clandestinely operating under the guise of party chairman.”

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