LDEA & MOJ Provide Update on US$100,000,000 Confiscated Cocaine Drug


LDEA & MOJ Provide Update on US$100,000,000 Confiscated Cocaine Drug

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) through the Ministry of Justice has provided updates on the current consignment of Cocaine Drug that was confiscated at the Joint Security at the Roberts International Airport over the weekend.

Speaking at a news conference at the LDEA office in Monrovia, the Director General of the LDEA said the information circulating on Facebook and others news outlets is true and that they have since been following the nature of the arrest and the condition under which the search was conducted.

According to Director General Marcus D. Zehyoue, in addition to information posted on Facebook about the alleged accomplices to suspect Malam Conte, their intelligence dragnet has led to successfully arresting a Lebanese national identified as Issam Makki.

Consignment of drug seized from dealer Malam Conte.

He said Makki was arrested across the Bo-waterside Sierra Leonean border when attempting to escape the country, as the LDEA ordered that suspect Makki be brought back with immediate effect. On the other hand, the LDEA has received information that one of the accomplices, Gustavo Henrique escaped the country on Saturday evening.

The LDEA boss added that additionally, they’re taking every step possible to ensure that the crime scene remains a priority and that they are to reach out to every source necessary to aid the investigation to a concluding end.

“We will leave no stone unturned and that we will ensure that those involved face the full weight of the law”.

He said in keeping with their statute they have informed the Justice Minister about this situation and that they hope to update his office regarding any updates as they unfold and they are working closely with their international counterparts to ensure they gather sufficient information leading to the investigation. By Taisiah K. Merfee

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