Nine Liberian Students Benefits from Cummings Africa Foundation


Nine Liberian Students Benefits from Cummings Africa Foundation

IPNEWS: The Cummings Africa Foundation on Monday put smiles on the faces of Nine Liberian students to pursue higher education at Four universities in Liberia.

Giving the overview of the Program at the Foundation Head office in Congo Town Dr. Wede -Brownell said a none- profits organization founded by the Cummings family, awards nine full scholarships to prospective students to pursue tertiary Studies in the areas of science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and Agriculture for the 2022 -2023 Academic year.

She said CAF scholarship progress began in 2017 and has since provided approximately US $120,00 to more than 100 Students, CAF scholarship programme Director added that the Cummings African Foundation values education and believes that financial Constrains should not limit a person from pursuing higher education.

“As the late Dr. Emmet Dennis, former President of the University of Liberia said on several occasions ” scholarships provide opportunities to economically Challenge but intellectually rich students”

According to her, the program focuses on STEM and agriculture disciplines because of the dearth of these graduates in Liberia, which need more doctors, engineers, scientists, and agriculturalists to meet its development agenda.

The scholarship is awarded based on academic excellence, potential leadership skills, and demonstrated need, students who are awarded CAF scholarships maintain a B average and remain active in their communities.

Dr. Brownell said the scholarship program has grown significantly since its inception, over the next few years as the scholarship recipients graduate from college and enter the workforce, CAF expected to see measurable and impactful Africa.

The four participating Institutions of higher learning are Stella Maris Polytechnic University, Starz College of science and Technology, Smyth Institute of science and technology and Adventist University of West Africa.

The Cummings Africa Foundation is a nonprofit entity established in 2015 by the Cummings Family with the expressed purpose: “to contribute to the betterment of communities and positively transform the lives of many igniting the prospect of possibility for all.

To supports education, and human development in Africa. It began operations in Liberia in 2016 and has provided financial and in-kind assistance to several philanthropic projects in the areas of

education, health, agriculture, and entrepreneurship.

The Cummings Africa Foundation believes and works from the position that if every person, in every community, is given the right opportunities for better health, better education, and better standard of living, and the ability to earn a meaningful income, she can reach their full potential Since 2017, the Cummings Africa Foundation has provided over US$120,000 to more than 100 scholars to pursue their dream of attaining a college education.

The Foundation’s programs and initiatives have impacted communities in almost every county in

Liberia. CAF remains committed to having a positive impact on the lives of people in as many communities as possible.

For her part, the Wife of The ANC Political Leader Mrs.Teresa Cummings said her husband and children had been helping in the area of Education and youth empowerment.

She said as a Liberian it is always good to give back to the Nation through basic services Such as Education, health care, and human development.

” We started this year’s back, and we will always do our best in the interest of the ordinary people most especially our Youthful Public”.

She added that Education is the only gift one can give to another person and this is why she and her family will always do their best in developing the mind of the younger generation. By Taisiah K.Merfee

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