“Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness”, Noble Laurent Leymah Gbowee Challenges Opposition Leaders Ahead of 2023 Polls


“Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness”, Noble Laurent Leymah Gbowee Challenges Opposition Leaders Ahead of 2023 Polls

IPNEWS: Barely with less than a year to go for the holding of presidential and general elections in Liberia, Noble Laurent and renowned Liberian Woman activist Leymah Gbowee has predicted a massive win for the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), if Opposition political parties remain divided.

Noble Laurent Gbowee stated that if the opposition does not consolidate their forces to put up a real challenge in the forthcoming October 2023 elections, they should get ready to be flogged massively at the polls by incumbent President George Manneh Weah.

In a post on social media, titled: “A Citizen’s Plea for a United Opposition”, Noble Laurent Gbowee, encouraged the standard Bearers of highly rated opposition political parties, including former Vice President and current Standard Bearer of the Unity Party, Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Alternative National Congress Standard Bearer, Alexander B. Cummings, and Liberia People’s Party Standard Bearer Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe to put aside their individual egos and approach the 2023 presidential elections as a unified force instead of individual candidates entering the elections against incumbent President George Weah, if a victory is certain.

“We all watched with horror as the CPP disintegrated like Humpy Dumpty, bringing us back to square one. Presently, the three prominent opposition leaders – Joseph Boakai, Alexander Cummings, and Tiawon Gongloe, are making the case that they are the best for Liberia. I believe that if these three gentlemen get on the ballots as individual candidates, they will be MASSIVELY FLOGGED by President George Weah.

“I believe that for Liberia to achieve the change that many desires, these three candidates must decide on a single ticket. It is time that egos, personal interests, and the numerous selfish advisers stand aside so that the welfare of Liberia can for once be preeminent,” Madam Gbowee stated.

Speaking further Madam Gbowee challenged opposition leaders to see themselves as the best alternative in terms of saving the impoverished masses from their current weary state.

Noble Laurent Gbowee: “Joseph N. Boakai, Alexander Benedict Cummings, and Tiawon Saye Gongloe, the power of life and death of the opposition is in your hands. You all have two options, unite and let Liberia thrive or continue as individuals and allow Liberia to struggle,”

“Over the last few months, I have received, both privately and publicly, calls from numerous Liberians to serve as the vice-presidential candidate to various opposition politicians in a bid to oust the CDC government at the polls in October 2023. My answer is a resounding NO to everyone! The decision is based on the fact that President Weah, regardless of how we feel and think about him, still has a base of Liberians who believe in him and his ability. Hence any chance for a regime change is only possible through a collaborative approach.”

In retrospect of the breakup of the opposition CPP, Noble Laurent Gbowee, reminded opposition leaders that all the odds are on them to redeem Liberia from the weary situation to a new Liberia of hope by putting aside occurrences that unshackled the hopelessness of Liberia following demised of the CPP.

“Last few years, many Liberians were extremely happy when some opposition political parties came together and formed the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP). Therefore, it seems many Liberians are eagerly pining for the prospect of politicians setting aside their egos for Liberia’s sake as the presidential elections draw near. Such an approach informs the younger generation that there are still few patriots who would sacrifice their ambition for the nation’s sake, which only serves to promote peace and stability.” Noble Laurent Gbowee Said.

It may be recalled that Noble Laurent Gbowee activism helped to broker the Liberian peace pact in August 2023 in Accra, Ghana.

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