Editor’s Forum Endorses Self-regulatory Policy manual on personal data privacy and protection

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Editor’s Forum Endorses Self-regulatory Policy manual on personal data privacy and protection

IPNEWS: Liberian journalists from Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Rivercess, and Grand Bassa on September 16, 2022, unanimously endorsed a proposed self-regulation manual on personal data privacy and protection for use by the Liberian media.

Developed by a team of lawyers hired by the Publishers Association of Liberia and the Press Union of Liberia in partnership with the Liberian Media Initiatives with support from the European Union, the document aimed at strengthening media professionalism and quality delivery of information while seeking to address challenges generated by online information campaigns.

The review was the first since the manual was developed. It follows a series of Editors Forums conducted by PAL since July 23, 2021, soliciting journalists’ views on the subject matter and the need for a self-regulatory

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