Back to the Sychromon Tree: VP Jewel Taylor Rally Disenchanted CDCians


Back to the Sychromon Tree: VP Jewel Taylor Rally Disenchanted CDCians

—–Challenges Party Chairman to Lead the Mobilization

IPNEWS: Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor, and vice standard bearer of the CDC has tasked the party’s chairman, Mulbah Morlu, to ensure that all members of left the party for various reasons return fully reconciled with the party.

“Mr. Chairman, we have to bring everybody home. Whatever it takes we must reach out to them, maybe some people may not want to come back but let’s make the effort because President George Manneh Weah is the President for all Liberians whether here home or in the diasporas,” she said.

Speaking in Gbarnga, Bong County over the weekend during the party’s national retreat, the vice president intimated that it is mandatory and at all costs that the chairman must go all out to bring back those aggrieved partisans and recruit as many Liberians as he can to make the CDC very powerful again.

“When you look the broom is very difficult to break but one straw is easy to break, this means when we are together in oneness no political party can defeat. It is time for us to come together for the progress of our party and the country at large. In unity, there is strength and success. I am totally certain that Bong County will use the hundred percent votes comes 2023,” she said.

Madam Taylor praised Morlu’s leadership for selecting Bong County as the venue for the retreat on grounds that Bong is the central point and the heartbeat of the country.

According to her, the CDC had developed a strategy to bring everybody together; the chairman must reach out to those who have lost, reaching out to those who are discouraged. There were thousands who were here but have left for various reasons. 

The NPP strongwoman said that it was unity that brought Liberia’s People’s Democratic Party, the National Patriotic Party, and the Congress for Democratic together to make up the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and subsequently led them to a massive victory, and that unity must be maintained and sustained.

Madam Howard Taylor stressed that with unity returning to the table of the ruling establishment, 2023 would be a rally victory for her boss, Weah, the CDC, and the Liberian people.

For his part, Chairman welcomed the mandate of the vice standard bearer and promised to recalibrate and reach out to all beyond the aggrieved partisans for a convincing victory comes 2023.

He narrated that no CDCians are useless to the purpose of moving the party forward and promised to extend an olive branch to partisans and beyond.

Chairman then appreciates the delegates for their full attendance and that the presence at the Gbarnga event is a clear manifestation of their political commitment to the CDC and the standard bearer uncompromising.

Providing the importance of the retreat, Chairman Morlu said that leadership of the party, following several consultations, realized that the CDC which is a conglomeration of the National Patriotic Party, the Liberian People Democratic Party and the Congress for Democratic Change needs engagement with the people and to redevelop method of unity.

Morlu explained that the leadership of the ruling establishment took a decision to dissolve its structures both at local and international level, but with an understanding of restructuring and reorganizing all departments for progressive engagement and to make it effective.

When the decision was taken by the national executive committee of the ruling establishment to dissolve all leadership, it created noise but the CDC is not a political party that is distracted by noise so, the decision of the leadership stands but today the exercise has reached its completion.

“After months in the United States, all structures there were restructured through a democratic means, followed by an engagement at the counties’ level. The national leadership headed by him made several trips throughout the counties to restructure and reorganize the local leadership. The strength of the CDC is from the people in the communities, counties and those many considered ‘masses’ they are owners of the CDC. So, any decision-making affecting the leadership of the CDC they are consulted,” he said.

The activities of the CDC slowdown for some period because some local leaders at the time had overstayed, some were over-relaxed, while some had traveled or had been engaged in national politics through government appointment, but the CDC is a focused political and revolutionary establishment double its engagement by restructuring all departments, leagues and the entire leadership ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections.

The convergence of the party’s leadership in the central region of Gbarnga Bong County is due to the restructuring of local leadership. terming the new officers as problem solvers, committed and diehard partisans who are willing to sacrifice all it takes to redeem the political points and achievement of the CDC ahead of the 2023 race in which President George Manneh Weah is seeking reelection. 

According to him, last weekend’s event under the banner of ‘Coalition for Democratic Change’s Gbarnga retreat 2022’, bearing the theme; ‘reinforcing the patriotic mandate, Weah 2023, Reelection strategy’.

The responsibility of the newly elected local leadership is to ensure that President Weah and his Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor get reelection comes 2023, adding that those elected at the party’s level are achievers whose first priority is to ensure total victory for the CDC.

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