Pro-Temp Chie Defends Foreign Minister Kemayah’s Continuous Failure to Appear before August Body


Pro-Temp Chie Defends Foreign Minister Kemayah’s Continuous Failure to Appear before August Body

IPNEWS-Monrovia: As claimed by some Senators of the 54th National Legislature that Foreign Affairs Minister Dee-Maxwell Kemayah has continued to disrespect the Liberian Senate based on his failure to appear before the Committee on Foreign Affairs after been invited on numerous occasions, Senate President Pro Tempore, Albert Chie of Grand Kru County has rubbished the claim as saying, “Foreign Minister has not being disrespectful to that august body as claimed by some Senators.”

While addressing legislative reporters over the weekend, after the closure of the Senate Special Session, Pro Tempore Chie attributed Minister Kemayah’s continuous failure to appear to his tight schedule.

He disclosed that the position being occupied by Minister Kemayah, comes with a lot of ups and downs on the state’s affairs, stating that the Minister has been attending some international engagements for the Liberian Government.

Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Kemayah

Senator Chie, also believes that the only problem with the Minister, is his conflicting time, and he however stressed that neither the Foreign Minister nor any other appointed government official can disrespect the Liberian Senate.

It can be recalled that some senators, including Zoe Emmanuel Pennue of Grand Gedeh County, Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado County, among others, complained that Minister Kemayah has failed about four times to appear before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs after been invited to address some important national concerns, especially the issue about difficulties and maltreatment encountered by Liberians students studying and working in foreign countries.

The Minister’s disrespectful act as claimed by the Senators, recently invoked a call from Senator Darius Dillon for the Foreign Minister to be invited under contempt charge.

Meanwhile, the Senate adjourned its Special Session at the close of last week, having being recalled by President George Weah to attend to unfinished business.

It can be recalled that based on his constitutional Prerogative, President George Weah through a Proclamation issued on August 9, 2022 recalled the Legislature from its second quarterly break to urgently address some national issues. Writes: James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.;; 0770334857/0888270604

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