‘Managing a State is No Child’s Play’ – Former UP Chair Asserts


‘Managing a State is No Child’s Play’ – Former UP Chair Asserts

–In the Wake of ‘Fake Video’ of alleged Election Rigging Going Viral

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The former chairman of the former ruling Unity Party (UP), Wilmot Paye, says the act of ‘managing a state is no child’s play,’ in reaction to what the current government of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) needs to do in addressing the public perception regarding the truthfulness of falsehood of the ‘fake video’ that has gone viral.

Mr. Paye says what the Government of Liberia needs to do is to engage and find out the source of the ‘fake video’ regardless of insinuations of it being true or false. He says there are serious political and security implications since the ‘fake video’ went viral, therefore action must be taken by the Weah-led government to reassure Liberians regarding the peace and security of the state.

Appearing on a local radio, PRIME FM 105.5 as a Special Guest on Monday, the former governing Unity Party national chairman called for total investigation of the ‘fake video’ by the government to get to the source instead of just calling on people to condemn said video. “Managing a state is no child’s play, it calls for smart and timely decision-making, rightly seeking intervention of stakeholders to brainstorm when there is an issue regarding national security to maintain the peace, as well as engaging the citizenry among others,” former Chairman Paye said.

Screen shot of the ‘fake video’ that went viral on early Saturday morning

He noted while he may not want to point fingers to blame anyone while an investigation is necessary, as to the origin of the ‘fake video’ that went viral on early Saturday, 17 September 2022, Mr. Paye noted what is most important is to find out the truth surrounding the ‘fake video’.

It can be recalled on early Saturday morning, September 17, 2022, Liberians woke up to be greeted by a video that had gone viral on social media and narrating activities of ‘planned activities’ to rig the pending 2023 presidential and legislative elections by the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government of President George Weah.

In the video, a Caucasian male presenter quoting the international community narrated that a plot had been uncovered that the governing CDC-led Administration of President George Weah was massively preparing to rig ‘Elections 2023’.

The video not only cast aspersions on the country’s enviable electoral system – which has gained much international acclaim recently – it also dangerously posited that the government is bringing in the country nefarious elements from terrorists and other bad groups intended to create violence.

In a quick rebuke of the video, Justice Minister and Chair of the Cabinet, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean said, it is very wrong, and the video could potentially damage the country’s stability and international reputation.

GOL, Int’l Community and Massive Local Condemnation of the ‘Fake Video’

Few minutes after the posting of the video on social media, the Minister of Justice issued a public statement in which the Government of Liberia condemned the video in its strongest term a ‘fake propaganda video’ circulated early Saturday on social media. The government said the video tried to spew misinformation, disinformation and fallacies about a plan plot to rig the 2023 elections.

Minister Dean stated that the video is fake and should be condemned by all Liberians.

The Minister in a social media post stated that no desperation should lead anyone to spread such hateful and ‘fake propaganda’. He called on all to desist from spreading such ‘fake video’ as it is dangerous to the national security of the state.

Early Saturday, the purported video linking the government to a secret plan to target its opponent was circulated on social media sparking uncertainties across the city.

In the same vein, Liberia’s International Partners have disassociated itself from a video circulated on social media early Saturday.

In a joint statement, the International Community stated that a social media piece recently circulated referring to the International Community, is fake and has no connection to the global community.


UN Resident Coordinator in Liberia Niels Scott

“The International Community in Liberia wishes to state categorically that the statements contained in the piece have no connection with the International Community in Liberia nor are we aware of any basis for any allegation contained in this piece.”

“We strongly condemn any attempt to link the International Community with these allegations which could threaten and undermine national security. We stress that those responsible must be held accountable.”

“We once again remind all political and media stakeholders of their responsibility to refrain from hate speech, disinformation, and violence especially in the run-up to the 2023 elections.” The International Community statement read.

The International Community in Liberia, further reaffirm its continued commitment to peace and stability in Liberia.

Meanwhile, several callers on the PRIME FM 105.5 talk show (The Prime Morning Drive) joined the former UP national chairman to call on the Liberian government to go beyond asking people to condemn the video but rather a thorough investigation must be instituted to authenticate the source of said video, and ensure that culprit/s face the full weight of the law.

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