

Besides being a prolific writer and historian, the late Dr. Joseph Saye Guannu, who died on August 30, 2022, at the age of 82, was an erudite statesman and diplomat.

Born on September 17, 1940, Dr. Guannu was one of the country’s greatest and most politically respected historians whose literary works were and are still being widely read by many, the world over. He was sought after for his insights on Liberian history.

His writings made him a national treasure and brought history to life for millions of readers.

During his lifetime, he authored several books, most notables of which are Liberia History Before 1857, Liberian History Up to 1847, and the Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of Liberia from Joseph Jenkins Roberts to William Richard Tolbert, Jr. (1848 -1976).

The late Guannu also served as Liberia’s Ambassador to the United States of America from April 14, 1981, to October 1983, under the reign of President Ronald Reagan.

He was the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the Samuel Doe Administration as well as the Interim Government of National Unity headed by the now deceased Dr. Amos C. Sawyer.

Why did we go this far to state the profile of the erudite statesman? He was reported abandoned by the State when he was sick and bedridden during his protracted illness and even after his death. If this happened to him, other national icons, including the present ones, who are today in government and are calling the shots, should begin to think otherwise because it could be them tomorrow.

This is absolutely appalling, particularly on hearing that Senator Prince Y. Johnson, who has repeatedly boasted of being the “Godfather” of Nimba, where the late Guannu hailed from, has, according to sources in Nimba, vowed to stay out of anything that has to do with the historian’s death.

What is even most appalling is that there are reports that not even a single official of the Liberian Government, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has visited the late Guannu’s family to sympathize with them.

As of the time we penned this editorial, there were reports that Nimba is tensed following late last week’s meeting that chiefs and elders had with US-sanctioned designee, Senator Johnson on the reported abandonment of the late Guannu by the Government.

If what we are hearing is something to go by, let’s remind you that what goes around, will always come around.

Today, it is the late Guannu that all backs are turned against even on his sick bed and subsequently his death, tomorrow it could be any of you in the circle of the current Government, including the Legislature and the Judiciary.

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