Father & Son Faces Trial for Damaging a Citizen Eye

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Father & Son Faces Trial for Damaging a Citizen Eye

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice has begun the prosecution of two men identified as Isaac Gboeking Jr. and Isaac Gboeking both father and son for allegedly damaging the left eye of a private citizen identified as Johnny Hill.

The defendants were arrested by officer Halvin A. Page of the Liberia National Police Crime against Person Unit, and acquainted with the Constitution Rights, investigated and consequently charged with the commission of the crimes Aggravated Assault and Criminal Facilitation.

According to court record, on August 23, 2019 in the area of Pipeline Catholic Junction Community, City of Paynesville, the defendants with criminal mind and intent severely caused bodily injury to the peaceful body of Mr. Hill.

The Defendants spilled liquid substance in a small cholera bottle believed to be acid directly into the face of the victim, thereby causing damaged and paralyzing the normal function of private prosecutor’s left eye.

The court document explained that while the victim and court officers of the Civil Law Court were executing the service of a “Writ of Possession” on defendant Isaac and his son, as a result of a disputed property, the defendants attacked Mr. Hill with acid-water in a small cholera bottle and spilled same into his face, hence, burst and damaged his left eye.

A person is guilty of aggravated assault if he causes serious bodily injury to another purposely, knowingly and recklessly with deadly weapon.

State prosecutors have produced several witnesses to include victim Johnny Hill, Evera Goe, Stephen Kieh, Darious Diggs, Halvin A. Page and documentary evidence.

The case continues on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 where the state is expected to conclude with the production of oral and documentary evidence.

After the production of evidence and testimonies, the defendants will take the witness stand to defend themselves.

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