Ahead of Election 2023: “Do Not Gamble With the Lives of Liberians”, Frm Foreign Minster Lewis Brown Warns


Ahead of Election 2023: “Do Not Gamble With the Lives of Liberians”, Frm Foreign Minster Lewis Brown Warns

—Endorses ANC Alexander B. Cummings, for Presidency

IPNEWS: Emotional speaker, and former Foreign Minister of Liberia, Hon. Lewis Brown is calling on well-meaning Liberians to stand up and begin the transformational process that will lead Liberians out of a looming catastrophe.

Hon. Lewis Brown, one of the strategists that brought the Weah government to power, stated that the 2023 elections will not be the time or place to gamble on the lives of Liberians and the fate of the nation.

He stated that it is time Liberians both at home and abroad take a sober reflection on the danger that lies ahead to rescue Liberia and reset the agenda for change, national renewal, and development.

The former national security advisor to former Liberian president Charles Taylor said after six years of President George Weah’s leadership without progress, Liberians cannot afford to put the country’s progress, our lives, and that of our children on standby and false hopes.

ANC Political leader, Alexander B. Cummings

The NPP Executive said he endorses Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), as Liberia’s next president because he has the right character, temperament, integrity, and leadership credentials to move Liberia into the future we all seek and desired for ourselves and our children.

In a statement issued September 10, Liberia’s former Information Minister, and former Liberia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, said Liberia’s cherished peace is under stress, and that the 2023 general elections will be a critical determining factor in whether the country will retrogress into its dark days or progress as a nation.

“The decisions we make in 2023 about who will lead us, will also decide, at least for a generation, if our nation will rise or fall or if we will move backward or forward,” Mr. Brown said.

Presidential Cummings

A signatory to the 2023 Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended 14 years of brutal civil war, 19 years ago, Mr. Brown cautioned Liberians that 2023 will be a critical turning point in the country’s 175 years, with absolutely no excuses for our mistakes, if we elect the wrong leaders.

“Who we choose to lead us in 2023, will decide the condition of the hospitals, the quality of the educational system, our personal security, as well as decide the prices of food, salaries of workers, and whether there will be jobs for the thousands of unemployed Liberians,” Mr. Brown said.

Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) told his Chief of Office Staff to resign

According to Mr. Brown, the CPP Standard Bearer, Mr. Cummings is an inspiration for a new mindset to reject wrongs, and a motivational force for Liberians to set new standards for themselves, aimed at making Liberia a better place for all.

“I stand with Cummings because of his boldness of vision, the freshness of ideas, the courage to continue fighting, when it seems easier to surrender, and the quality of leadership experience he has achieved to get things done,” Mr. Brown said.

The former Information Minister said it imperative that Liberians commit to changing the dysfunctional and discredited system of governance, by electing a leader to be President, rather than re-electing a President, whom we hope might become a leader in 2023.

Mr. Brown described the power of the President as extremely impactful in determining how the government performs and what it’s capable of becoming and achieving, noting that it’s critical as to who becomes President, Senators, and Representatives in 2023.

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