Rep. Solomon George Reveals Dark Clouds Over Pres. George Weah’s Gov’t Tenure


Rep. Solomon George Reveals Dark Clouds Over Pres. George Weah’s Gov’t Tenure

—- Calls on Youths not to repeat Gray D. Allison Scenario

IPNEWS: Controversial Montserrado County District No. 7 lawmaker, Solomon George has revealed that hidden hands want topple President George  Weah’s government, and prevent it from sailing for the next term.

Representative George who recently called on President George Weah to appoint him Police Director to ensure the disappearance of opposition members, stated that there are plans by some unnamed persons to subvert the peace and called on young people not to be used in the plans being hatched by wicked men to cause another round of crisis in the country.

Representative Solomon George Reacts to LCC

“George Weah is my brother and friend. Stop dining with the devil!”

“The same way Doe said when they come for me they will carry your first, is the same way when they are coming for you, they will carry me first, so then, let me tell you to stop dining with the devil.”

It is unclear to whom was Representative George attributing his warning of ‘dining with the devil‘.

However, last weekend, U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, Ambassador McCarthy, visited President Weah, at his rehab residence and indicated that his visit with the President was exceptional and there were discussions on key anti-corruption issues amid at enhancing Liberia’s democracy and economic growth.

Amb. Michael McCarthy and President George Weah

In a short post, U.S. Embassy wrote: “This morning, Ambassador McCarthy and President Weah held a productive meeting about our extensive U.S.-Liberian bilateral relationship, the upcoming U.S.-African Leaders Summit in Washington D.C., and how Liberia can chart a course forward combating corruption,”

Representative Solomon George further called on President George Weah, to disengage and relieve some of his inner cycle (cabinet minister) because they are mean and are undermining the progress and productivity of his Administration.

The Montserrado County lawmaker further stated that it was time that those mean government officials park their bags and give chance to other deserving and loyal supporters of President Weah’s agenda.

Rep. Solomon George during press conference

Meanwhile, Representative George, has reigned insults at the leadership of the Liberian Council of Churches (LCC), over its recent denunciation against calls by the government to eliminate perceived enemies or opposition.

The district #7 lawmaker called the writers of the press release, including the President of the Council of Churches, Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves,  ‘dogs’ that do not know what they’re doing.

“Let me say this to you, this ‘Satanic Council of Churches’, see all of them are dogs. I mean it and they can do whatever they want to do!”

“I am an Elder of the church, and the Bible says when the elder does something you bring them in and deal with them and not to bring it to the public. So then, they are all dogs.” Rep.George exclaimed.

On last week, the Liberia Council of Churches, strongly reacted to an article carried by the authoritative Independent Probe Newspaper, in which Representative George appealed to President Weah, to appoint him for six don’t or a year at so that he make all the opposition to the Weah’s government would disappear.

The LCC release noted that the comments were unacceptable and reckless declaration emanating from Montserrado County Representative George, who threatened to eliminate perceived enemies of the Coalition of Democratic Change if he’s given the chance to serve as Police Inspector General for six months or one year.

“The lawmaker’s words were highly irresponsible and unethical and as such we call on Representative George to muster the courage to rescind such a negligent utterance. As an institution whose task is to preach the gospel of righteousness, joy, goodness, goodwill and spiritual wisdom, the LCC says it is appalled that Representative George would express his enthusiasm for president WEAH’s leadership in such a disgraceful manner.”

“Representative George touting idea of people disappearing is completely out of touch with the peace and security that Liberians cherish is vital to our democracy. Notwithstanding, the Council of Churches called on President George Weah in whose presence the threat was made to publicly distant himself from the Representative malicious and vicious utterances.”

The Council believes, if not acted upon, such a wild pronouncement from a sitting lawmaker would plunge Liberia into a failed state of war, politically induced killings and the disappearance of politicians and their supporters. This is not the values many people died and sacrificed for over the years and as such, it must be condemned by all Liberians irrespective of your association.

The Liberia Council of Churches therefore called on Representative George to publicly apologize and repent from speaking in a vile and vicious manner which threatens to collapse the sanity, freedom of expressions and right to choose whomsoever the people wish to lead them.

It may be recalled, the authoritative Independent Probe newspaper,reported earlier Wednesday, August 7, the unprecedented comments by Representative George, calling  on president Weah to appoint him as Police Director, for six months to ensure the disappearance of oppositions.

Representative George of Montserrado County District #7, says he wants to be police director (Inspector General) of the Liberia National Police just for six months or one year and some people will lost. “Some of us need to disappear for good things to appear. You can’t see somebody doing good things and then want to change the good things to bad things,” Rep. George startling said in West Point to the astonishment of hundreds of West Pointers who had gathered in their town hall to welcome President Weah on the last leg of his nationwide tour which ends in Montserrado County.

Rep. George (black hat and suit) sits quietly as President Weah is being received by authorities of the township

“Mr. President you know me, maybe you want to win Nobel Peace Prize, but as for me I don’t want to win noble peace prize. I want to be police director for just six months or one year, some people will lost. Some of us need to disappear for good things to appear. You can’t see somebody doing good things and want to change the good things to bad things. Go around the country and see the good works the President is doing but some Liberians are denying those good work,” Rep. George indicated.

Speaking to residents of West Point in Montserrado County District #7 on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 Rep. George in the midst of hundreds of West Pointers, President George Weah and other government officials and with Liberians watching a live broadcast on the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism official Facebook page, without any remorse emphatically stated if he is made Police Inspector General in Liberia, people will disappear so that good things can appear in Liberia.

The Montserrado County lawmaker did not however take into consideration the political and human rights implications of his statement, that some political pundits referred to as ‘reckless’, nothing Rep. George should be a living example for the protection of human rights and should not be agitated because some Liberians differ with President George Weah and how he is governing the country evidenced with the tough economic situation Liberians and Liberia are faced with.

Representative George of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) is in his second six-year term as District #7 Representative of Montserrado County; however, he is being challenged by several other prominent residents of the district, including media entrepreneur Emmanuel Dahn, owner of Joy FM radio station and the district #7 Skills Training Center on Newport Street.

The Representative’s utterance of making people to disappear if he were Police Inspector General left people astonished, including President Weah who was seen in the video nodding his head in disapproval of what Rep. George was saying.

Rep. Solomon George speaks at the program as President Weah

Also, Representative George called on President Weah to ban student politics on the campuses of the state-owned University of Liberia, because according to him, opposition politicians are using students and members of campus-based students’ parties to stage protest as well as to carry out other agitating activities against the CDC-led government of President Weah.

The district #7 lawmaker made specific reference to the Students Unification Party (SUP) but never mentioned the Students Integration Movement/Students Democratic Alliance (SIM-STUDA), because the latter is the campus-based student party the likes of Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, the suspended Minister of State Nathaniel McGill, Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner Thomas Doe-Nah among others have ties with back dating back to their days as students at the University of Liberia.


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