ULAA Wants Pres. Weah Fire McGill, Twehway & Cephus


ULAA Wants Pres. Weah Fire McGill, Twehway & Cephus

IPNEWS: The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas, (ULAA) has called on President George Manneh Weah to immediately dismiss his suspended Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Nathaniel Fahnlon McGill; suspended Managing Director, National Port Authority (NPA), Mr. Bill Twehway; and suspended Solicitor General, Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus, following them being placed on sanctions by the United States Government.

 ULAA believes the officials’ actions undermine democracy in Liberia, as stated by the US Government, Liberia’s leading partner.

“ULAA vehemently demands the immediate dismissal of Minister of State Nathaniel McGill, Solicitor General Sayma Syrenius Cephus, and Managing Director of Liberian Port Authority (NPA) Bill Twehway from their positions while they face the full weight of the law. These government officials have betrayed the confidence of the Liberian people and cannot be trusted any longer,” Mr. J. Shiwoh Kamara, ULAA National Executive President said in a press statement.

“Painfully and profoundly, the corrupt activities of McGill, Cephas and Twehway must not be taken as business as usual or fall on deaf ears by the Weah Administration. Moreover, the growing level of developmental challenges facing the nation must compel the Weah administration to take positive steps in this heightened political landscape to mitigate and adapt to fundamental approaches to overhaul Liberia’s prevailing political and economic realities.”

In addition, ULAA wants the Weah-led Administration to consider instituting serious measures to revamp the Liberian Society from the intrinsic evils of rampant corruption, marginalization, exploitation, lack of job creation for the poor, spiraling mob-violence against political rivals, wave of mysterious disappearances related to ritualistic killings, rape and domestic violence, lack of respect for the rule of law and human rights as well as deplorable educational and health-care systems. 

ULAA hails and supports the swift decision of President Weah recently to suspend McGill Cephus, and Twehway in order for them to face investigation after being designated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as undermining democracy in Liberia for their own personal benefit and involvement with a wide range of corrupt schemes.

However, ULAA says it remains committed to work alongside the Liberian, United States Governments and various sectors of the society for peace, respect for the rule of law, and the institution of effective governance in Liberia against skyrocketing poverty, institutionalized corruption, mismanagement, and cronyism.

About ULAA

 The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA) is the umbrella organization representing Liberians and their various organizations in the Americas. ULAA is a voluntary, nonprofit, and non-governmental organization formed on July 4, 1974, in Philadelphia, United States of America. The mission of ULAA is to advance the just causes of Liberians and Liberia at home and abroad.

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