Rep. Samah Pays for ‘Sins’ for Neglecting Montserrado District #12 to Contest in Lofa


Rep. Samah Pays for ‘Sins’ for Neglecting Montserrado District #12 to Contest in Lofa

IPNEWS: As a sitting Representative for Montserrado District #12, to deliberately neglect your constituents and move to another country to contest a Senatorial by-election, has come to haunt Rep. Dr. George Samah.

Rep. George Samah addresses to his constituents was met with jeers and ridicule

On Friday, August 19, 2022 during President George Weah’s ongoing tour of Montserrado County to climax his nationwide tour that kicked off in February of 2021, Montserrado County District #12 Representative, Dr. George Samah, was mocked, ridiculed, jeered and halted from making comments at the Town hall meeting in his own District by some angry residents of the constituency.

The aggrieved residents mentioned that Representative Samah has abandoned the district and dismally failed the District, as such, he deserves no respect to speak at such a program attended by President Weah.

The situation became very emotional, thus bringing the program to a momentary halt for more than 15 minutes while residents were singing anti-Samah slogans.

President Weah, however intervened and calmed down the situation, and urged residents of the district to be tolerant and politically sensitive.

After the President’s intervention into the situation, Dr. George Samah (Representative) spoke and hailed the president for intervening.

It can be recalled Dr. Samah recently contested the Lofa County By-election at which he did not amass three percent of the total votes cast.

According to some political pundits, this is the very first time for a sitting representative to be publicly booed and prevented from making statements since President Weah started his Nationwide Tour beginning February of 2021.

President Weah Wants District #12 Residents Respect National Leaders

Meanwhile, President George Weah has urged residents of Montserrado County District #12 and members of his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to all times respect national leaders, no matter the circumstances.

President Weah blasts residents and CDCians for jeering Rep. Samah

He said is it is good for residents of District #12, members of the CDC and every Liberian to at all times protect the peace and democracy Liberia of by respecting opposition leaders as well as ruling party leaders.

Speaking to District #12 residents after some of them jeered and ridiculed their Representative, Dr. George Samah, for abandoning the District while still a sitting lawmaker, but chose to contest for a Senatorial seat in another county – Lofa, the Liberian leader chided CDCians and other residents of District #12 for jeering the lawmaker, which he noted was out of order.

President George Weah noted that the only way the country can move forward is to have every leader speak out.

According to the Liberian chief executive, “the booing of Representative Samah was unacceptable and must not be repeated in any part of the country especially in his presence and that of other top government officials.”

The President then mounted the podium and blasted at his partisans (CDCians) to always respect their leaders even if they have issues or are dissatisfied with them.

According to him, the upcoming presidential and legislative elections should be a platform and the best time to make new friends and not to shy or chase away opposition Leaders.

“Find reasons to listen to people who are against us noting that booing can’t solve the problems of our Country”, he stressed.

What is Rep. George Samah’s Sin?

Dr. George Samah is the Representative of Montserrado County electoral District #12. According to residents of the District, their lawmaker since his ascendency, he has failed to live up to the billing that propelled the residents to elect him to represent them at the National Legislative.

And to make matter worst, according to District #12 residents, he abandoned them and chose to move to another country, spending much time there while he should be with them to resolve the challenges confronting District #12. The residents say, Rep. Samah practically resides in Lofa County, because he still has interest in contesting for a Senatorial seat come 2023 in that county, that is why he has abandoned them.

Rep. George Samah of District #14

According to the District #12 residents, the fact that Rep. Samah could abandon his constituents and the district to a contest in the Lofa County by-election, which was won by Cllr. Joseph Jallah, while he Samah is still Representative District #12 is a complete disrespect to the constituents, thus they do not want him to continue as their lawmaker.

They have told journalists that they will solicit signatures and submit a petition to the National Legislature for the removal of Dr. Samah as Representative of Montserrado County #12, because he does not deserve to represent the district and its people.

During the Lofa County by-election, Rep. Samah did admit to the media that indeed as a citizen of Lofa County, who has contributed meaningfully to his county, through financial, humanitarian and other means, finds it expedient to represent the people of Lofa County at the Senate.

Apparently, it was due to Dr. Samah’s decision to contest in the Lofa County by-election while still a sitting Representative for electoral District #12 of Montserrado, his ‘sins’ caught up with him when residents of his district chose to jeer, ridicule and halt him from speaking at an official program of the final leg of President George Weah’s nationwide tour which ends in Montserrado County. Writes James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.;; 0770334857/0888270604

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