Ahead of 2023: “People Will Disappear” Rep. Solomon George Vows to Eliminate Perceived CDC Enemies, Critics

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Ahead of 2023: “People Will Disappear” Rep. Solomon George Vows to Eliminate Perceived CDC Enemies, Critics

‘Make Me Police Director’; Rep. Solomon George Vows to Eliminate Perceived CDC Enemies, Critics

IPNEWS: One of President George Weah’s longtime friends, who was instrumental for the former Liberian international football icon to join Invincible Eleven (IE) in the 1980s as a player from Bong Range, Representative Solomon George of Montserrado County District #7, says he wants to be police director (Inspector General) of the Liberia National Police just for six months or one year and some people will lose. “Some of us need to disappear for good things to appear. You can’t see somebody doing good things and then want to change the good things to bad things,” Rep. George startling said in West Point to the astonishment of hundreds of West Pointers who had gathered in their town hall to welcome President Weah on the last leg of his nationwide tour which ends in Montserrado County.

Rep. George (black hat and suit) sits quietly as President Weah is being received by authorities of the township

“Mr. President you know me, maybe you want to win Nobel Peace Prize, but as for me I don’t want to win noble peace prize. I want to be police director for just six months or one year, some people will lost. Some of us need to disappear for good things to appear. You can’t see somebody doing good things and want to change the good things to bad things. Go around the country and see the good works the President is doing but some Liberians are denying those good work,” Rep. George indicated.

Speaking to residents of West Point in Montserrado County District #7 on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 Rep. George in the midst of hundreds of West Pointers, President George Weah and other government officials and with Liberians watching a live broadcast on the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism official Facebook page, without any remorse emphatically stated if he is made Police Inspector General in Liberia, people will disappear so that good things can appear in Liberia.

The Montserrado County lawmaker did not however take into consideration the political and human rights implications of his statement, that some political pundits referred to as ‘reckless’, nothing Rep. George should be a living example for the protection of human rights and should not be agitated because some Liberians differ with President George Weah and how he is governing the country evidenced with the tough economic situation Liberians and Liberia are faced with.

Representative Solomon George of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) is in his second six-year term as District #7 Representative of Montserrado County; however, he is being challenged by several other prominent residents of the district, including media entrepreneur Emmanuel Dahn, owner of Joy FM radio station and the district #7 Skills Training Center on Newport Street.

The Representative’s utterance of making people to disappear if he were Police Inspector General left people astonished, including President Weah who was seen in the video nodding his head in disapproval of what Rep. George was saying.

Rep. Solomon George speaks at the program as President Weah

Also, Representative George called on President Weah to ban student politics on the campuses of the state-owned University of Liberia, because according to him, opposition politicians are using students and members of campus-based students’ parties to stage protest as well as to carry out other agitating activities against the CDC-led government of President Weah.

The district #7 lawmaker made specific reference to the Students Unification Party (SUP) but never mentioned the Students Integration Movement/Students Democratic Alliance (SIM-STUDA), because the latter is the campus-based student party the likes of Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, the suspended Minister of State Nathaniel McGill, Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner Thomas Doe-Nah among others have ties with back dating back to their days as students at the University of Liberia.

Commenting further Rep. George stated: “Mr. President there is a problem with these Students of the campus-based Students Unification Party (SUP). They cannot dictate to us how to run a university and if SUP wants to be a political party, put an end to students’ politics so that SUP can come and be a full-fledged political party.”

He disclosed that SUP have been sent most times by those who have been disgraced politically and defeated. “They have been sent by the hyenas that are waiting for the young lions to die before it can eat it. We who are the foot soldiers are here to protect you, Mr. President.”

President George M. Weah

“If God does not choose you, you cannot perform. Please don’t be discouraged I am appealing to you to keep pushing on. You will finish your 12 years and Liberians will beg you to come back,” the Montserrado County District #7 lawmaker concluded.

Meanwhile, pundits and political commentators say the context in which Representative Solomon George spoke when he said if he were Police IG or were to be appointed Police IG some people will lost / disappear is certainly not resonating with Liberians and international partners, wondering why a lawmaker would be pushing for a situation to get rid of people he perceives as enemies of the ruling CDC government led by President George Weah?

According to those who know him, Representative Solomon George is a noted lawmaker who is always associated with controversies both at the House of Representatives among his colleagues, as well as with partisans of his own Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

The lawmaker’s remarks did not only shock the President whose body language suggested his disapproval, they also exposed how politicians, especially those in the proximity of successive Liberian presidents, influenced them to become tyrannical or take the wrong decisions.

Noted for his no nonsense deportment and arrogance not only in the Montserrado County District #7 that he represents in the House of Representatives, but in other places across the County, the Lawmaker’s remarks came amidst many reported mysterious disappearances and deaths across the Country.

Political experts wonder whether Rep. George ever had a hand in some of the reported mysterious disappearances and deaths or something is just emotionally wrong with him.

CDC-COP during July 26 riot

According to those who have known him over the years, Representative George, who is likely to seek reelection to the Legislature in 2023, is quick to emotions and has on so many occasions made reckless public statements and, in some instances, insulted women and as well rolled up his sleeves to physically attack those, who disagreed with him.

The good works of President George Weah

Meanwhile, commenting on what Rep. George described as the ‘good works of President George Weah since his ascendency to the Liberian president almost five years ago, the Montserrado District #7 lawmaker disclosed that if one sums up the work of the president in one basket, he has outdone in five years what previous leaders of Liberia failed to do in 170 years.

“What I have to say Mr. President you are very strong man. The people of District #7 whole heartedly welcome you. Any life without a test that life is not worth living. When you put in one basket to see what you George Weah has done in five years, the past leaders could not do that in 170 years. You will lead this country for 12 years and after your two-terms, Liberians will beg you to still lead the country,” Rep. George told Liberians and West Pointers.

He continued: “We Liberian people have the tendency to accept and believe in the impossible and refuse to accept what you have. George Weah is the prophet chosen by God to lead this country for 12 years. And he will lead this country for 12 years.”

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