Military Takes Over Freetown Amidst Rising Tension for President Marda Bio Stepdown

Laws & Order

Military Takes Over Freetown Amidst Rising Tension for President Marda Bio Stepdown

—-As Gov’t Imposes Curfew, & Shutdown Internet

IPNEWS: FREETOWN, Sierra Leone – Amidst rising tension in neighboring Sierra Leone, for the stepdown of President Marda Bio, Sierra Leone, the military high-command of Sierra Leone has taken over several parts of the Capital Freetown hours after the government announced a full force of dust-to-dawn curfew across Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone General leading Troops into Freetown

As the military moved in, there were chanting protesters calling for peace but letting Marda Bio must go.

Later in the day as violence spread across the city, a huge crown overran police stations killing and burndown several of its facilities.

Wounded youths during Wednesday’s protest in Freetown

IPNEWS correspondent in the Sierra Leonian capital Freetown, says violent protests are still continuing across the city in direct defiance of the earlier pronouncement by the government on the imposition of a dust-to-dawn curfew.

Order by the chair on National Security, for the military to move in

According to reports, scrolls of dead bodies including youths and Police Officers have been seen in many parts of the capital following exchanges and live bullets by riot police, against civilians calling for President Marda Bio step down.

Angry mob kills police officer

Internet access into the capital has been cut off, while a few are using international lines inside parts of the city.

IPNEWS contacts in Freetown, say the violence erupted following three days of country shutdown amidst skyrocketing prices of basic goods and commodities, including petroleum, and rice. Another issue sparking the riots early Wednesday is the continued absence of electricity and jobs.

Military taking up positions in Freetown

The protest began after angry youths’ protestation against President Marda Bio uncountable foreign travels, while the country languishes in serious economic difficulties.

“The youth are hungry and lack basic human needs,” A shouting protester stated

The protest has turned the streets of Freetown bloody from corner to corner and it does not seem to be abating even with the reinforcement of the security apparatus.

Military on confidence patrol

Meanwhile, information coming in says, that protesting youths have vowed to fight with their blood amidst continued refusal by President Marda Bio to listen to their demands.

Protesters: “This action today has sent shock waves through the region of West Africa and to all ruling governments, that they must listen to the cries of the people- for the people are indeed the actual and should be the real beneficiaries of any leadership in power.”

Reports coming in say the government in the wake of today’s deadly protest, has announced the going into force of a nationwide curfew.

The government Minister of Information stated in a live video nationwide address stated that scrolls of people are fear dead, including Police officers in today’s bloody protest.

Latest reports at the Liberian, and Sierra Leone border, say the government of Liberia has increased its presence at the Bo-waterside crossing post with officers of the Emergency Response Unit-ERU. For more into this, login to

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