Lawmakers and Belligerent Militant Groups – The Case of Reps. Thomas Fallah and Yekeh Kolubah

Laws & Order

Lawmakers and Belligerent Militant Groups – The Case of Reps. Thomas Fallah and Yekeh Kolubah

IPNEWS-Monrovia: Ahead of the 2023 general and presidential elections in Liberia, the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah increased its militancy as evidenced by the showcasing of scores of ably-built young men and women in Foya, Lofa County in the midst of intense political activities leading to the conduct of a by-election in the area.

The Lofa County by-election, which was postponed by the National Elections Commission (NEC) as a result of legal battles, was triggered following the denial of Mr. Brownie Samukai from taking his seat after he was declared the winner in 2020.

During the early morning hours of Monday, May 10, 2022, over 30 persons, between the ages of 25 to 35 were seen in CDC regalia in Foya. They were dressed in Khaki suits with the inscription “CDC Militant” at the back, along with red berets displaying the party’s emblem.

Sources in Foya told IPNEWS that the “CDC Militants” had gathered in the area to await the arrival of Montserrado County district # 5 Representative Thomas Fallah and independent candidate Counsellor Joseph Jallah.

The ruling party, which failed to field a candidate in the Lofa County senatorial by-election, had endorsed the candidacy of Cllr. Jallah.

Flashback: Rep Thomas Fallah gives instructions to the CDC militants during the Lofa by-election

According to reports, the regalia was made available by the CDC, through Representative Fallah, for the “militants” to provide “maximum security and protection” for the candidate endorsed by the ruling party and other executives and officials who are currently in Lofa to canvass.

Though the overall expression on their faces showed dissatisfaction, the “CDC Militants” were constrained to line the streets of Foya, under the burning sun taking instructions from their higher-ups who spoke one after another.

The militarizing of political parties is said to be on the increase in Liberia – a nation which has suffered over a decade of civil conflicts – with the ruling CDC taking the lead.

Most often, militants of political parties, particularly the CDC, are deployed at specific points or designated areas when the party’s executives including Political Leader, National Chairman, Youth Chairman and other high ranking officials of their party serving key positions in government (especially the Ministers of State for Presidential Affairs and Finance and Development Planning) are attending an event or occasion.

These militants engaged into the unstoppable chanting of battle cries and in some cases prevent the movement of pedestrians and motorists from plying routes that could be used by their leaders.

At times, their zest to overly perform to please their political leaders sparks out tensions and bloody riots.

It can recalled at the climax of political activities for the by-election in district # 15, Montserrado County in July 2019, about 14 persons sustained serious injuries when a violent clash ensued between supporters and militants of Telia Urey of the UP and CDC candidate Abu Kamara in Logan Town.

The by-election came as a result of the demise of former Representative Adolph Lawrence who died in a tragic motor accident while on his way to Monrovia from celebrating his birthday in Grand Bassa.

The commotion, according to reports, was provoked when supporters of Abu who were carrying caskets with the picture of Telia Urey, started booing at her supporters who were already in the District closing up their campaign activities.

It can be recalled that in November 2018, at least five persons were severely injured following a violent clash between supporters and militants of Cornelia Kruah-Togba of the Unity Party (UP) and the ruling CDC in district # 13 in Montserrado.

The by-election was precipitated following the ascendancy of former Representative Saah Joseph to the Liberian Senate.

According to the report gathered, CDC Youth League Chair Jefferson Koijee and Representative Solomon George led the party’s militants and others in the district to launch the campaign of their party’s candidate, John J. Weah, in Iron Factory, Gardnersville when the incident occurred.

The CDC militants reportedly invaded the camp of Madam Kruah in New Georgia during the launch of her political activities, thereby causing commotion and a violent clash between the two groups.

There were mounting calls, particularly from the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) and others for the conduct of independent investigations into the two violent incidents.

The Government of Liberia (GOL), through the Liberia National Police (LNP) launched separate probes into the matter.

But up to today’s date, the outcomes of the investigations remain unknown as the victims were constrained to either individually shoulder their medical bills or beg others to do so.

The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), Major General, Prince C. Johnson believes that the militarizing of young people by both the ruling and opposition political parties poses a threat to Liberia’s peace and stability.

AFL Chief of Staff – Maj.Gen. Prince C. Johnson, III

According to him, the high level of coordination and cooperation among security actors in the Mano River Union (MRU) region makes it difficult for any group to rage war or any external form of insurrection in Liberia, but the turning of young people into political parties “militants” poses the country and its people at risk.

“It’s not possible for anybody to bring war in this country without the support of one of those neighboring countries because; we will always need an exit route, and a route for logistical support. So, with the cooperation that I see now, I think you will fly in (to bring war in Liberia). I am not saying that we are 100% safe; no. but we can have isolated cases maybe people can be radicalized. But the best way we can secure our borders with Sierra Leone and Guinea is the collaboration between the two countries” General Johnson stated at the Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinions (CEIO) on Carey Street in Monrovia.

He observed that the wrongful placement of names on a specific group of people in political parties by their leaders remains worrisome.

“What we should worry about is the issue of these young people that some politicians try to militarize. We saw that during the elections. You saw the way both the opposition and the ruling party people were dressing. You are not a military man and you are wearing boots and putting the beret on your head. You have to change the style of using brigade”.

He continued: “We got to be careful with the names we are giving these young people because; those names are always associated with radical moves. We say militant brigade or military wing? What do you call a militant brigade? Are you an army man or soldier?”

Militants of all of the political parties in Liberia, including the CDC, are most often victimized by their leaders.

They usually await calls for assignment from their supervisors during the early morning or late-night hours to have something in their pockets for the day.

Militants are given “handouts” for their services rendered during political gatherings under the rain and sun. Thereafter, they are forgotten by those who hired them to chant battle cries and provide security.

At times, some of them are even made to trek long distances to get home due to the habit of some of their political leaders to jump in their vehicles after political rallies or gatherings, leaving them with nothing to take home to their respective families.

Militarizing Political Parties by Lawmakers Fallah and Kolubah

Following public outcry by the people of Lofa County and Liberians in general about the presence of a group of khaki uniforms and red berets-wearing Liberians in the county, believed to be members of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Montserrado County District #5 Representative, Thomas P. Fallah on May 11, 2022 confirmed that indeed those khaki-wearing militants belonged to the CDC.

Rep Kolubah and some of self-protective unit

Rep. Fallah spoke to OK FM 99.5 morning show on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, and said the presence of the CDC militants was in no way a threat to the peace and stability of Lofa County was being perceived by the public.

He noted those CDC militants’ sole responsibility was to provide ‘maximum security and protection’ for the candidate endorsed by the ruling CDC and other executives and officials who were in Lofa to canvass for the Lofa County Senatorial by-elections.

The Montserrado County District #5 Representative however noted that the parading of political party militants is not strange to Liberian politics as in the past the likes of National Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL), the National Patriotic Party (NPP) among others paraded militants who provided protection for their candidates and officials during political campaigns.

Meanwhile, Liberians are of the view that the putting of militants in the streets by the ruling CDC does not signal any good intent, moreover, what will happen if all of the political parties decide to parade uniformed militants to protect their respective candidates and party officials, while there is a national security force clothed with the responsibility to protect lives and properties.

Some Liberians who spoke to IPNEWS say putting militants in the streets by the governing CDC does not augur well for the political landscape as some of these militants who are not trained professionals may go after people they perceived as enemies or opposition to their leaders. “Taking a look at our political landscape we fear that these militants will things as they pleased to satisfy their leaders who are part of the governing party.”

And so it came as no surprise to some Liberians when Montserrado County District #10 Representative announced the formation of an Opposition Protection Force to provide self-security for them and their political leaders because the Liberia National Police (LNP) cannot be trusted.

Rep. Kolubah’s announcement was prompted by the recent attacks on students of the University of Liberia under the banner of the Students Unification Party (SUP) by a group styled Coalition for Democratic Change – Council of Patriots (CDC-COP) when the student had gone to the US Embassy on Benson Street to present a position that called on President George Weah to #Fix-The-Country because the country has degenerated under the CDC-led government.

Rep Kolubah and some of self-protective unit

While wielding placards, the CDC-COP came from nowhere and attacked the SUP members in pure public glare, leading to several students being wounded, the most critical being Christopher Walter Sisulu Sivili, who is still hospitalized.

After the attacks, the Liberia National Police through its now suspended spokesperson, Moses Carter, stated the police could not arrest anyone because there have been no official complaints from any the victims, a pronouncement that sparked public outrage.

It had to take the President of Liberia, George Weah six days to call on the Ministry of Justice to arrest and prosecute those who were involved in the violence against the SUP protesters before the Police shamelessly started to arrest the suspects. They were later charged to court but have been bailed awaiting trial.

Ruling CDC Supporters’ Reactions to Rep. Kolubah’s formation of Militant defense group

As if the heavens were caving into earth following the pronouncement by Representative Yekeh Kolubah that he would train 5000 men for self-defense purpose leading to the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change have lashed out against the Montserrado County Representative.

Flashback: CDC militants

According to them, Rep. Kolubah should not be organizing a militant group for self-protection when the Liberia National Police is charged constitutionally to protect lives and properties. But political pundits differ with the CDC supporters who failed to chide Representative Thomas Fallah when he publicly declared that he had organized CDC militants in Foya during the Lofa by-election. “Are they saying Rep. Fallah was right to organize a militant group and deployed in Foya despite the presence of the Liberia National Police and other security agencies present in the country during the by-election, why didn’t they call Rep. Fallah to book as they are doing to Rep. Yekeh Kolubah,” the pundits asked.

LPP Wants ECOWAS, UN and US Stop CDC in Weaponizing Militants in Liberia Political Space

It can also be recalled the opposition Liberia People’s Party (LPP) called on ECOWAS, the United Nations and the United States of America to move immediately to stop the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government from weaponizing and militarizing the political space of Liberia.

An executive member of the LPP, Dusty Wolokolie said they are not afraid and neither will they remain silent if the CDC form militia groups, noting that they (LPP) are prepared to fight.

Former Montserrado Rep. and opposition LPP executive Dusty Wolokolie

Speaking on a local radio, SKY 107.1 FM 50-50 show during the Lofa County by-election, Mr. Wolokolie noted that they received intelligence that the CDC in fact provided arms and ammunition to some red berets militia group in Lofa County.

According to him, the opposition community will never sit back and allow the CDC to intimidate people with the recruitment and training of large numbers of militia in Lofa County.

Mr. Wolokolie then advised the international community to intervene now because they will be the ones to spend the money if anything were to go wrong in the country.

It can be recalled following public outcry by the people of Lofa County and Liberians in general about the presence of a group of khaki uniforms and red berets-wearing Liberians in the county, believed to be members of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Montserrado County District #5 Representative, Thomas P. Fallah confirmed that indeed those khaki-wearing militants belonged to the CDC.

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