Grand Kru County Labor Commissioner Stresses Safety for Government and Concessions Employees


Grand Kru County Labor Commissioner Stresses Safety for Government and Concessions Employees

By Fedrick Kumeh

IPNEWS-Grand Kru: The Labor Commissioner in Grand Kru County Sirmadra Juah has made a passionate call to Government of Liberia to continue their efforts in observance of health status of government workers in the county.

The Grand Kru Labor commissioner in a chat with reporters said, though his office is yet to receive any complain from government workers in the county as it relates to their health, but his observation comes after his recent tour in some other government workers areas.

Labor Commissioner Juah believes if the health status of government workers in the county is observed, it will aid in their smooth working system in the county. He stressed the need of protection of workers in the county, named rain boots, jackets, helmets, and other protection materials being provided for workers to reduce the challenges they have faced with while performing their professional duties.

Sirmadra Juah outlined challenges his office has been going through, ranging from lack of manpower, electricity, office chairs among others as major issues contributing to the slow operation of his office.

Mr. Juah pointed out that his office is making frantic efforts to lead awareness in educating its citizens, who use children to fetch for their families, which is an abuse of labor and against the laws of the country.

The Grand Kru Labor commissioner wants citizens in the county remain peaceful, respectful and hardworking to making sure that their rights are protected in accordance with the law.

Juah than called on the government of Liberia to aid and rescue of workers by providing working tools for the labor commissioner in Grand Kru county for its smooth office running.

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