Team-Cyrus-One Lofa Movement Expresses Gratitude to Lofaians for Support During Senatorial By-election


Team-Cyrus-One Lofa Movement Expresses Gratitude to Lofaians for Support During Senatorial By-election

IPNEWS: A grassroots political group in Lofa County, the Team-Cyrus-One Lofa Movement, has expressed thanks and appreciation to citizens of Lofa County for upholding peace and tranquility following the just-ended heavily contested senatorial by-election in Lofa County.

In a release, Team-Cyrus-One Lofa Movement, stated that in observance of the natal day and nuptial anniversary of Hon. Momo Tarnuekollie Cyrus, owner of the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL) and Political Leader of Team-Cyrus One Lofa Movement, extends gratitude to Lofians for their strong support and loyalty displayed during the Senatorial bye-election which has revealed their political strength and a new dispensation for Lofa County.

Team-Cyrus-One Lofa movement stated while they accept the result of the Lofa county by-elections, they remain grateful to Lofains for the show of support during the exercise.

“Even though we did not win but we are committed to providing our services to the great people of Lofa County. In this regard, we would like to reiterate that we would be a formidable candidate in ensuring elections.”

“Once again, thank you for remembering us and most definitely we would therefore appreciate were you to keep spreading in check our good deeds as we yearn to serve you – our people with honesty, passion and utmost integrity,” Team Cyrus said.

Team-Cyrus-One Lofa movement in celebration of their political leader birthday and wedding anniversary, pledged to continued various projects started by their political leader Hon. Momo Cyrus.

Team Cyrus: “We would like to assure you that various interventions and contributions made by our Political Leader in Lofa County and Liberia at large are for the people of Lofa County and pleaded out to continued support to the county development agenda.

“Hon. Momo T. Cyrus’ vision for education and Human Capacity Development (HCD), is unparalleled because Hon Cyrus has provided Financial Aids and Scholarships opportunities to several students in and out of Lofa County that continue attend various schools, colleges, universities and other prestigious learning institutions.

It may be recalled, during the Ebola and Corona virus outbreaks in Liberia, Hon. Momo Cyrus made several donations of preventive materials to frontline fighters, including the Lofa County Health Team, the Joint Security, Community Radio Stations and other surrounding communities in Lofa County. Similarly, donations were made in Montserrado, Nimba and Grand Bassa Counties.

These donations in addition to the preventive materials provided by Hon. Cyrus included but not limited to rice, cash, fuel among other key items.”

“As a person of passion and vision for the underprivileged Hon. Cyrus and his family provided food for over One Hundred visually impaired and physically challenged individuals, including, women, children and elders all of Voinjama City, Lofa County, Republic of Liberia.”


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