Breaking! Suspended Police Spokesperson Carter Threatens Resignation


Breaking! Suspended Police Spokesperson Carter Threatens Resignation

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The authoritative Independent Probe has gathered that Liberia National Police (LNP) spokesperson, Moses Carter, who has been suspended indefinitely by authorities of the LNP has threatened to resign because he feels he is being used as a scapegoat.

Sources hinted IPNEWS that the suspended police spokesperson is contemplating resigning his position because he is being used as a pawn by the LNP authorities. IPNEWS is yet to confirm such report but in subsequent time IPNEWS will bring detail.

Police sources hinted IPNEWS that Spokesperson Carter was suspended for reportedly speaking on some issues without getting approval from his bosses. It is not yet known what issues Mr. Carter spoke about without his bosses’ approval that led to his indefinite suspension.

Moses Carter has come under public scrutiny in recent times for utterances he makes on behalf of the Liberia National Police whenever there is crime that needs investigation.

It can recalled Carter was chided by the public when he first spoke on the issue of late Princess Cooper who reportedly died mysteriously in Paynesville when her body was found in a fence of some Lebanese businessmen. Later on the Government of Liberia conducted an autopsy, where it was disclosed that Princess Cooper had died from tuberculosis, much to the displeasure of the Liberian populace.

On July 26, 2022 when some members of the Coalition for Democratic – Council of Patriots (CDC-COP) reportedly attacked students of the University of Liberia, under the banner of the Students Unification Party (SUP) when they had gone at the United States Embassy in Monrovia to present a statement that called on President George Weah to fix the country.

In the aftermath, several SUP members were wounded, with Christopher Walter Sisulu Sivili suffering the worst, which put him in a critical condition. Carter is on record of saying that the police could not affect any arrests because nobody had complained to the police about the violence. But what Carter failed to know was the plain view doctrine which the police could use to affect arrests.

Few days later President George Weah addressed the nation denouncing the CDC-COP and ordered the Ministry of Justice to arrest and prosecute all those who perpetrated the violence on July 26, and through to the President’s mandate, the police rounded up all those involved in the violence and charged them to court. But they have been bailed pending trial.

Meanwhile, political pundits say Spokesperson Carter is being scapegoated and has become the fall guy the police’s failure to carry out its constitutional. It also remains to be seen whether those police officers who were on the violence but failed to act will also be reprimanded.

Carter told journalists that he had heard about his suspension but was yet to be communicated to officially. More details to follow…

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