Grand Kru Lacks Prison Facility as Correction Officer Calls on Gov’t to Erect One

Laws & Order

Grand Kru Lacks Prison Facility as Correction Officer Calls on Gov’t to Erect One

By: Fedrick Kaydiplah Kumeh, Grand Kru County correspondent; #0880538651 /0776346260; fedrickkumeh57@com

IPNEWS-Grand Kru: Moses Allison, the Corrections Superintendent in Grand Kru County wants Government of Liberia provide prison facility in the county to alleviate the problem accommodating suspects or those adjudged guilt in court cases.

Due to the lack of prison facility in the county, the current Superintendent, Moses Allison and other key justice actors are appealing to the Ministry of Justice to prevail on the national Government to construct prison compound in the county.

According to Superintendent Allison, the lack of prison compound in the county is creating serious health hazard for pre-trial detainees and convicted criminals within the county.

He also stated that, his office has purchased a huge portion of land situated along the Felenken-Barclayville highway for the construction of a prison facility in Grand Kru County.

He also asserts that, the Office of the President has been duly informed about the absence of prison center in the county.

Moses indicated that they have no other means of addressing the current situation, rather to appeal to the local authorities to put pressure on the County Legislative Caucus through the central government to remedy the situation.

He described that the uncontrollable condition have resulted to female suspects being placed in the conference hall of the Barclayville police station, which is a violation of the inmates rights and against international standards on prison regulation.

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