Dr. McIntosh Endorses Cummings’ Presidential Bid


Dr. McIntosh Endorses Cummings’ Presidential Bid

By: Taisiah Merfee

As the 2023 presidential and legislative elections draw closer, a staunch member of the ruling CDC, Dr. Togar Gayewea Mclntosh pledges full support to the presidential bid of ANC political leader Alexander B. Cummings

According to him, Alexander Cummins is best suited to save Liberia from what he termed as a “deep hole” and he will do all it takes in making the ANC Political leader the next President of Liberia come 2024.

Addressing a major news conference Wednesday in Monrovia, Dr. Mclntosh described the ANC political leader as a credible and purposeful presidential candidate in the pending 2023 elections.

He also stressed that Cummings is committed and capable of bringing real change and further renewed hope to the Liberian people.

Dr. Mclntosh said his decision is based on a thorough assessment of the capability, potential, honesty, and resourcefulness of all the current presidential candidates in the upcoming elections.

The former governing council member of the ruling CDC furthered that his assessment uncovered that Mr. Cummings possesses most of all the qualities of becoming president of Liberia.

He noted that it is time for Liberians to experience a positive change and the man who is prepared to do that is Mr. Cummings and it’s time that All Liberian really around him come 2023.

Dr. Mclntosh has at the same time expressed optimism that Alexander Cummings would be a successful president of Liberia if elected.

He indicated that the ANC political leader has demonstrated exemplary leadership aimed at bringing about real change that will liberate Liberia and Liberians from strangulation.

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