Stop The Hypocrisy, Mr. President, You Know That CDC-COP Exists Within CDC


Stop The Hypocrisy, Mr. President, You Know That CDC-COP Exists Within CDC

The Bible tells us that a hypocrite is someone who puts on a mask and pretends to be something he is not. Someone defines hypocrisy as claiming to know and follow certain beliefs but behaving in a way that counteracts those beliefs.

So, in the 27th and 28th verses of the 23rd chapter of the Bible book of Matthew, the Master Jesus is teaching his disciples and other followers, who had all gathered around to hear wisdom comes out of his mouth. In this particular teaching, he is warning about hypocrites and against hypocrisies.

In the two verses that Disciple Matthew recorded, Jesus said, 27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

“In the same way, on the outside, you appear to people as righteous but, on the inside,, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”

These are very powerful exclamatory statements from the Master as it relates to people who pretend to be when they are not at all.

You all heard what President George Weah, in his pre-recorded speech to the nation as it relates to the violent acts that were perpetrated by his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) thugs, under the banner CDC – Council of Patriots (COP), said on Monday, August 1st.

In his “special statement”, particularly the portion that has to do with violence on July 26, 2022, the President “denounces in the strongest terms, the violence which was perpetrated by some youth in the early hours of July 26, when Liberians at home and abroad were just preparing to celebrate such an important day for the country.”

Mr. President, how sincere were you? Did you have to wait for five days to pass before making a public statement about the disgrace your “own making” brought upon your party and Liberia on its 175th Independence Day?

In your hypocrisy, you went further to say that “Violence is totally unacceptable.” Mr. President, did you mean that, really? You can’t be serious when you said that you stressed in all your public engagements the need to maintain the hard-earned peace that Liberians now enjoy.

Mr. President, stop the hypocrisy. Records are there to show that you are not what you said in that August 1st statement. Records are there to show that in June 2019, you openly called one of your political opponents, Mr. Benoni Urey, “a killer and a thief.”

These are your exact words as quoted by a local daily in 2019: “They are testing your resolve; they call you tiny, tiny, CDCians and cockroaches and come to ask for your votes. I will be specific today because I came to make fuss… Benoni Urey is not associated with victory, the only thing I recall for Urey is that when he wanted to leave from UN sanction list, he came to me and I helped him make his first foreign trip.

“This is a man that has never won anything, he supported his brother I defeated him, get ready tightened your belts there is no way the Urey’s can win election in Montserrado County because they are wicked people. We are cockroaches but they are killers, we are cockroaches, they are thieves,” President Weah said.

Mr. President following those comments, we know what ensued in Logan Town against Telia Urey, Mr. Urey’s daughter, who was running to occupy the representative seat that had been made vacant as a result of the death of Adolf Lawrence.

So, Mr. President, your CDC-COP, which you have denied is definitely following your political ideology, of condoning violence against your opponents.

Stop the hypocrisy, Mr. President, you know that CDC–COP exists within the Coalition, and they seriously need to be checkmated, sincerely.

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