Massive Protest Awaits Rep. Acarus Gray Over Lack of 10Yr. Legislative Report


Massive Protest Awaits Rep. Acarus Gray Over Lack of 10Yr. Legislative Report

— As Lead campaigner Joseph Boye Cooper Descends

IPNEWS: Representative aspirant Boye Cooper, is calling for an unconditional submission by Representative Acarus Moses Gray to report on legislative programs and financial reports on various allocations received over the last ten years.

Boye COOPER told IPNEWS in an exclusive interview that it remains unthinkable to have a lawmaker not reporting to the district he represents for over ten years and all the district gets is insults and threats.

Cooper alleged that Representative Gray has received 200,000.00 from 2012-2017, for district development projects, but unfortunately, he has refused to come back to the district to discuss and identify meaningful projects for district No. 8, nor has he held a discussion on priority issues for district No. 8 but only result to insults whenever questions are asked on the utilization of the district development funds.

Lead campaigner in district No. 8

“Over a period of ten years, and six months Hon. Moses Acarus GRAY has refused to report to citizens and residents of district No. 8 and all he results to is insult and crosswords that the monies received was his and he owes no explanation to anyone within district No. 8, Montserrado County. I don’t know how a lawmaker will say he received personnel money for the district whereas those were appropriated for district development projects. Hon. Gray goes on using the district development project fund as his own description and making others feel it’s his own money. Up to date we cannot distinguished the district project from the Representative projects. So, where are we?”

“We are calling him to make a report to the district to allow citizens of district No. 8 make determination on what are the projects the district development funds were directed to but to no avail.”

Hon. Gray during discussion on capitol hill

“SO then, our demand here is that Representative Acarus Gray must make a report on the affairs of the district he represents or else the National Legislature should make any further appropriation without a report on how previous and current appropriations were executed.” Joseph Boye Cooper, stated.

Additionally, Mr. Boye Cooper alleged that Representative Acarus Gray received huge sums during the heat of the Ebola, and COVID-19 response, including a double recipient of the much talked about US$ 30,000, to each lawmaker yet no report on expenditure has been made.

Joseph Boye Cooper: Regardless of these misgivings yet Hon. Gray goes around the district with men boosting that he is the richest man. We do not want to know who’s the richest or poorest in district No. 8 but all we are calling for a district activities report.”

Flash back: Protest on the grounds of the capitol Building

“In the absence of a district Legislative report, we cannot understand how the district project funds where been used, or perhaps he’s keeping them to support his reelection bid. We don’t know if a district lawmaker should be carrying case around to construct bridges, Schools, and pumps, where is there a government functionary, the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE), is responsible to implement all government community projects.

“In all this, I really encourage Hon. Moses Acarus Gray to avail himself to report to district No. 8 on his legislative programs. If he doesn’t do this, citizens of district No. 8 are planning a sit-in action protest at the grounds of the National Legislature to seek that August body view on where or not it is legitimate for a lawmaker not to make a report to his district for the period of ten consecutive years. If we do not receive a proper redress, citizens of district No 8 shall follow same to the Supreme Court.” Mr. Joseph Boye Cooper to IPNEWS.

Hon. Acarus Moses Gray has since declined to comment on the after IPNEWS contacted him up to press time. Investigation continues. For more into this, login to

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