Breaking!! – WANTED: President Weah Orders Arrest and Prosecution of Anti-SUP Violent Aggressors

Crime Watch

Breaking!! – WANTED: President Weah Orders Arrest and Prosecution of Anti-SUP Violent Aggressors

IPNEWS-Monrovia: President George Weah says that if you claim to love him or follow his political ideology, “you cannot do so with violence.”

The Liberian leader indicates that anyone or group that has his image on a banner in support of him and his Government has to be peaceful, respectful, and tolerant, stressing, “As the founding father of the Congress for Democratic Change, now the Coalition for Democratic Change, that we do not have any CDC-COP within our organization. 

Some members of the purported CDC-COP group- They are wanted by the Liberian government

“When you come to join us, you become a CDC partisan of peace, democracy, and development. Therefore, I have mandated the Ministry of Justice and the entire national security apparatus to immediately arrest all those involved in the violent incident on July 26, 2022, and ensure that they face the full weight of the law. 

SUP member Christopher Walter Sisulu Sivili is hospitalized from the violence

President Weah said he has instructed the Minister of Health to ensure that all those who sustained injuries during the violent attack be given the best medical treatment at the expense of the government.”

“Fellow Liberians, the main purpose of my address today, is to denounce in the strongest terms, the violence which was perpetrated by some youth in the early hours of July 26, when Liberians at home and abroad were just preparing to celebrate such an important day for the country”, adding that “Violence is totally unacceptable.”

Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean

The Liberian leader then gave a stern warning to those who profess to be CDCians but have chosen to use violence to torment or intimidate their fellow Liberians, that there is no place for them in Liberia and his CDC-led government that was elected on the mantra of “Change, Peace, Love and Hope.”

Shaming the Liberia National Police

President Weah has therefore mandated the Ministry of Justice to arrest and prosecute all those associated with the violence meted against peaceful students of the University of Liberia, under the banner of the Student Unification Party (SUP) who had gone to the US Embassy on Benson Street to present a statement in a very peaceful manner before thugs, who profess to be CDCians descended on them by throwing stones and physically assaulting them, leaving several SUP members injured, including Christopher Walter Sisulu Sivili, who is said to be in a critical condition. “I have mandated the Ministry of Justice and the entire national security apparatus to immediately arrest all those involved in the violent incident on July 26, 2022, and ensure that they face the full weight of the law.”

LNP Inspector General Patrick Sudue- he failed to act despite glaring pieces of evidence that indicted the the so-called CDC-COP aggressors

President Weah’s decision to order the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the July 26, 2022 violence against SUP members around the premises of the US Embassy has shamed the Liberia National Police (LNP) under the leadership of Inspector General Patrick Sudue, who out of sycophancy wanted to protect those thugs who rained havoc on the peaceful SUP members on July 26.

Police Spokesperson, Moses Carter, is on record of saying that the LNP could not move to arrest anybody if there weren’t anyone to complain to the LNP about what transpired near the premises of the US Embassy on July 26, forgetting to note that there are several video footages depicting the violent act carried out by the purported ‘CDC-COP’ renegades and thugs, who out of selfish motives decided to cause havoc to tarnish the reputation of the George Weah-led government.

What remains to be seen is whether the LNP having blindly attempted to protect those violent thugs of the so-called ‘CDC-COP’ will now move to arrest the alleged perpetrators and bring to justice.

President Weah Slams Sycophancy & Hypocrisy in His Government

The proactive action of President Weah to swiftly call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the violent act against SUP members, is clear indication, according to political pundits that the President is tired of sycophancy and hypocrisy within his government, where certain government officials blindly lie to the President as if everything is going on well in Liberia.

The fact that President Weah can order the Ministry of Justice to arrest and prosecute all those involved in the July 26 violence against SUP members, he has demonstrated that indeed he is tired of sycophancy and hypocrisy, which have always being exhibited by some of his officials.

“It is better to tell the leader the truth and he be aware than to lie to him and he does not care,” one political pundit told IPNEWS. He lauded President for his bold step to clamp down on violence no matter who is involved.

International Commendation

Meanwhile, sources within diplomatic circles confided in IPNEWS that immediately after President Weah called for the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the July 26 violence against students of the University of Liberia, precisely SUP members, the diplomatic corps have begun sending commendation messages to President Weah for his bold step to clamp down on violence.

Though the diplomatic source could not name which foreign missions have sent commendation messages to President Weah, but the source said the fact that President Weah has called for the immediate arrest and prosecution of all those involved in the July 26 violence against students of the University, has shown that he is a man of peace and non-violence.

Meanwhile, Liberians and foreign residents await to see what the Liberia National Police will do in carrying out President Weah’s order, having previously attempted to shield those violent aggressors from the so-called ‘CDC-COP’, who waged havoc on UL students on July 26, 2022.

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