Breaking News: Unity Party Convention Erupts in Violence


Breaking News: Unity Party Convention Erupts in Violence

IPNEWS: Reports from central Liberia provisional city of Gbarnga, say violence has erupted at the ongoing Convention of the former ruling Unity party.
According to aggrieved partisans, UP chairman, Amin Modad, has vehemently refused to allow partisan Ben Fofana, to register on grounds that he has crossed the statutory age of 40years to contest the Vice-chairman seat of the Youth League.
Some protesting partisans have also accused the UP chairman of siding with some inner cycle figures of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change(CDC), to perpetuate himself at the detriment of the party.  The independent Probe could not independently confirm the allegation up to press time amidst the confusion.
The UP convention got to a start today Wednesday, July 26, 2022, at the Gbarnga Administrative building to elect new membership ahead of 2023 general and presidential election.
Protesting UP partisans

Prior to the Gbarnga 2022 National Convention, at a press conference, Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu, Chairman of Team Modad named former Liberian Vice President, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Amin Modad, Dabah Mabande Varpilah,Margibi County Representative Ben A. Fofana and Cornelia Kruah-Togba as Standard Bearer, National Chairman, Senior National Vice Chair/Vice Chair for Administration, National Vice Chair for Governmental Affairs and International Relations and National Vice Chair for Inter-Party Relations and National Election Commission Affairs respective as some of the members of the Team.

UP protest

He also named Whroway Bryant as National Vice Chair for Membership, Mobilization & Recruitment, Mohammed Ali as National Secretary General, Christian Cooper as National Deputy Secretary for Administration, James Yolei, National Deputy Secretary General for Research and Training and Edmund Forh Forh- National Treasurer as the additional members who are contesting along with Modad.For the National Youth Congress, he indicated that their team is headed by Togar Melvin Cephas who is contesting as National Vice Chair for Youth Affairs, Kuta Gbakolay for Secretary General, Emmanuel Kunneh Wreh Farr aspirant for Deputy Secretary for Administration and Jartu Worrell, an aspirant for Treasurer adding, “All other aspirants for the Youth Congress will be named subsequently by T. Melvin Cephas.”

Police intervention at UP protest

Additionally, Cllr. Bangalu said as for the Women Congress, Mrs. Selena Polson Mappy will spearhead the team and will subsequently announce all other aspirants of her team.

“This team dubbed as “Team Modad” comprises of the following aspirants:

Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai- Standard Bearer

Amin Modad- National Chairman

Dabah Mabande Varpilah- Senior National Vice Chair/Vice Chair for Administration

Hon. Ben A. Fofana- National Vice Chair for Governmental Affairs and International Relations

Cornelia Kruah-Togba- National Vice Chair for Inter-Party Relations and National Election Commission Affairs

Whroway Bryant- National Vice Chair for Membership, Mobilization & Recruitment

Mohammed Ali – National Secretary General

Christian Cooper- National Deputy Secretary for Administration

James Yolei- National Deputy Secretary General for Research and Training

Edmund Forh Forh- National Treasurer

UP protesters

For the Women Congress, Mrs. Selena Polson Mappy will spearhead the team and will subsequently announce all other aspirants of her team. You can rest assure that Team Modad is in full support of the aspirants that will be submitted by Partisan Mappy. For the National Youth Congress, our team is headed by Togar Melvin Cephas who is contesting as National Vice Chair for Youth Affairs, Kuta Gbakolay for Secretary General, Emmanuel Kunneh Wreh Farr aspirant for Deputy Secretary for Administration and Jartu Worrell, aspirant for Treasurer. All other aspirants for the Youth Congress will be named subsequently by T. Melvin Cephas. In my capacity as Chairman of Team Modad, and as a person who has faithfully served the Unity Party as National Vice Chair for Inter-Party Relations and NEC Affairs for the last six years, I do hereby present the above listed partisans to you the voting delegates at the Gbarnga Convention to be voted in their respective positions with the mantle of leading our party and its Standard Bearer into the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

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