Pres. George Weah Extends Hand To People With Disabilities


Pres. George Weah Extends Hand To People With Disabilities

IPNEWS: A huge number of the disabled community are smiling as the country celebrates its 175 Independence on tomorrow, Tuesday, July 26 following the receipt of a landmark donation of rice and cash by President George Manneh Weah.

Donation to the disabled community by the Liberian leader was done through the National Commission of Disabilities (NCD) at the weekend, as the head of the Commission along with the code of officials toured across Montserrado County.

The Liberian leader’s gesture included L$50,000 and 25 bags of rice for each home and L$5,000.00 and a bag of rice to each individual member languishing on various street corners in Monrovia and its environs.

rice distribution to people with disabilities

The organizations that benefited from the President’s goodwill included: the Christian Association of the Blind (CAB), an organization for visually impaired persons, Mission of Hope of the Disabled Inc. (physically challenged), Deaf Learning Center (deaf), United Organization of the Blind (visually impaired), ACFI Mission for the deaf (deaf), Liberia School for the Blind (visually impaired), Liberia School for the Deaf (LSD-deaf), the Deaf Ministry Inc. (deaf) and the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD).

The others are Group of 77 (a service provider), Hope for the deaf (service provider) and Antoinette Tubman Cashire Home (a service provider).

Speaking during the distribution process, the Executive Director of NCD, Madam Daintowon Domah Paye-Bayee, on behalf of her community, thanked President Weah for his kind gesture.

She said the donation targeted those institutions and 1,535 persons disabled people, who are begging in the streets of Monrovia and surroundings.

The biggest thanks go to His Excellency, Amb. Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberian and a wonderful one to Amb. Nora Finda Bundoo. I want to thank them for the trust and confidence reposed in me to serve my people,” she added.

Rice distribution to people with disabilities

For their part, the members of the various service providers and homes lauded the Liberian chief executive for the goodwill to the needy.

Mr. Elijah Menyon, a representative of the Christian Association of the Blind (CAB), described the landmark donation as welcoming and commendable.

“This is well commending for the President to donate to this community so as to enable us form part of the celebration. We are saying thanks to you Mr. President for the kind gesture thanks Madam Madam Director for being so strong to champion the cause of the disabled community. More can happen we will remain strong and really around you. We want to make this plead through you, for the Excellency to look at our buildings that have leakages so that they can be renovated,” asserted Menyon.

“It shows to us that he cares for us. On behalf of the Mission of Hope for the Disabled, we are very much happy, and our thanks and appreciation go to you, Mr. President and our own leader. We are glad that you have come to celebrate with us in this July 26th season. You are always doing so, so we want to say thank you and may God richly bless you,” Madam Annie G. Sieh, Administrator of the Mission of Hope.

“On behalf of the Liberian School of the Deaf we say thank you to our father, our President and our helper. We say thank you to the National Commission on Disabilities. We are happy to receive this amount and the rice,” Mr. Andrew Tugbeh, lauded the initiative on behalf deaf school.

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