Journalist Gloria Tamba Bags Master’s Degree in Digital Media and Film


Journalist Gloria Tamba Bags Master’s Degree in Digital Media and Film

IPNEWS, Cyprus: Liberian female Journalist Gloria Tawah Tamba is set to make her way back home to Liberia after going through a rigorous study and being declared a Master of Digital Media and Film.

Journalist Tamba, who began her journalistic career, right after high school, at Liberia’s oldest independent daily newspaper — the Daily Observer— graduated with a Master of Arts Degree in Digital Media and Film from the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

She told this newspaper, “My journey to earning a master’s degree in Digital Media and Film was a very difficult journey in a strange land where I have no family members that would have helped guide me through the process.”

According to her, as an international student, the challenges were many; adding: “I had come to Cyprus with the mindset of going to school while doing a part-time job to help me settle some bills, but the COVID-19 pandemic seriously killed my dream of getting a job here, as most businesses and companies that previously provided employment opportunities had either downsized or slowed down operations.” She had to navigate her way through a lack of job opportunities, sometimes no or very limited finances to underwrite major costs for production materials, among others.

“With all of those challenges, I always reminded myself of where I’m from and use it as a reminder to focus and work tirelessly in achieving my goals.”

“Knowing that am not from a rich family, I pressed on. I had sleepless nights and today, I can easily look at myself and smile for not giving up when things were very difficult for me on this journey.  To get to this point in Life, it took the Grace of God, my family and many others who helped me along the way.

“Now it’s time to join the movement of selling the positive images of my beloved country Liberia to the world.”

So, she was now only left with the option of focusing on her studies; adding: “I worked tirelessly in getting to this point in my life.”

Ms. Tamba narrated that at certain point, “I was left cash-strapped from paying school fees, accommodation, and related bills but thanks to all those who contributed towards my success especially my family.”

She further stated that the language barrier was another major challenge for her and other international students on the island. She, however, said she was quick to adapt to the system and made it to the finished line.

“My advice to every young person out there is to go for what you want in life with a focused mindset and attach time management to your plans.”

“For international students thinking of traveling to any country in pursuit of education, you have to prepare yourself financially or have a very strong support system that will ease your burden while studying.”

Journalist Tamba is coming back home with a 3.6 Grade Point Average (GPA) from the EMU, which is one of the high-ranking universities in the world, and the second-best university in Cyprus and Turkey. EMU was in April 2022 ranked first in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Island and second in entire Turkey by the UK-based Times Higher Education (THE), the publisher of the world’s most widely referenced university rankings

Gloria on photo shoot

 Gloria’s Background

After working in print media for nearly seven years, Gloria saw the need to diversify into electronic media. She joined the Spoon Group of Companies, which owns SpoonFM/TV, in 2019 and served as Editor in Chief. She had gone to EMU to expand her horizons and position herself more prominently in Liberia and the world’s media landscapes.

Ms. Tamba was born in Foya, Lofa County, to Mrs. and Mr. George Tamba. She holds a Bachelor of Public Administration and Sociology degree from the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU). She received her high school diploma in 2011 from the New Jerusalem Assembly of God Mission High School in Gardnerville, Liberia. Her work expertise is divided into two categories: journalism and advocacy for adolescent girls’ and women’s empowerment.

Gloria and other graduates

She was recognized by the United States Embassy for her various reports from all sectors and was sent to the States in 2018 on the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP), where she did some lectures in Investigative Journalism.

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