Sayma Syrenius Cephas puts Pres. Weah Against America interest – Says Shame on ‘So-called Super Powers ‘


Sayma Syrenius Cephas puts Pres. Weah Against America interest – Says Shame on ‘So-called Super Powers ‘

IPNEWS: On February 25, 2022, the government of Liberia set another record in supporting the United States and its Allies when it lashed at the Russian Federation over the unprovoked attack against the peaceful people of Ukraine and termed it as ‘unacceptable’.

The Liberian government stated in a release that it supports the United Nations resolution in 2014, calling on Russia to give peaceful dialogue a chance by sparing the lives of innocent Ukrainians and other foreign residents, including the protection for the sovereignty of Ukraine.

“Liberia joins the world in urging Russia to unconditionally ease hostilities, deescalate, allow diplomacy, and dialogue to take its course and bring relief to the peaceful people of Ukraine and the entire region.” The government of Liberia release noted.

Liberia on January 27, 1944, entered World War II, declaring war against Germany and Japan in support of the United States and it’s Allies.

Additionally, Pope Francis has called on Russia to ease fire and return to democracy.

Now, Liberia’s  Solicitor-General, Sayma Syrenius Cephus, has taken an opposition view of the President George Manneh Weah’s government terming the support of the United States and it’s Allies as ‘Shameful’.

In his usual controversial write out, Solicitor-General Cephus stated that ‘Woe Unto The So-Called Super Powers and Shame On Everyone for the Carnage and Terror In Ukraine’, in an apparent twist in the government of Liberia decision on the war in Ukraine.

Sayma Syrenius Cephus stated that the harrowing images of terror and mayhem in Ukraine, a member of the United Nations, and the human sufferings of forceful displacements, hunger and starvation—the surging death tolls of women, children and the elderly on a daily basis as well as the incalculable losses of properties are a grim reminder that humanity no longer values the principle of “good neighborliness.”

Cephus said although the Ukraine may seem afar and therefore not be too closed to the borders of Liberia,or too closed to our eyes, and the pigmentation of the color of their skins may be different, yet, both Ukrainian and Liberians share the same blood and the death tolls of its precious citizens present a scathing pain of horror and hopelessness, amidst the dreadfulness the humanity race to bear.

“Lest we forget, the Ukrainian nation is part of the human race, and as a people of faith in God, a family of nations, and advocates of freedoms and democracy, it behooves us all, no matter your race, creed and religion to ensure that Ukraine is and remains a sovereign and independent state, irrespective of where it stands—the world has a duty of care to engage the big powers and absolve Ukraine and its people from this senseless war.”

“Almost every day, and agonizingly too, we hear and see the loss of civilian lives, including women, children and the elderly; the loss of properties, mass displacements and evacuations of Ukrainians from their homes into refugee camps, and of course, the loss and occupation of Ukrainian territories, and interestingly, all of these frightful events are happening in the 21st Century of human civilization and technological advancement with Ukraine being used to test the military superiority of the big powers. How sad is it that we forget so soon about the incalculable losses of human lives in World War II, and now, there seems a drive for a World War III.”Cephus narrated.

Speaking further,  Solicitor-General, Sayma Syrenius Cephus, stated that as a  free citizens of the world and advocates of the voiceless of every clime, he join the silent majority of the people of Ukraine in saying ‘woe unto the so-called super powers for their undeclared war on Ukraine and humanity; for their callous and blatant disregard for the human sufferings caused by the rivalry; for the death tolls in cold blood of little children–babies still in diapers, women and elderly who have been violently debased and reduced to “beggars” and then uprooted from their homes; from their Motherland under the hay of bullets and bombardments and made to walk thousands of miles, enduring the pains of hunger, starvation and displacement because of super powers rivalry’!

He narrated that incredibly, the pains of some of the little kids still in their diapers, and the tears of their mothers and the elderly displaced by a war imposed upon them in a medieval style of ‘might makes right’, certainly cannot be considered isolated and far removed from consciences.

“A pigmentation of color can no longer be an excuse when innocent blood is being wasted; when mothers are in tears, and when women, children and the elderly have been violently removed from their homes.”

“We can no longer endure the heartlessness of those who have commercialized human lives and reduced the human race to “cargoes”, falsely believing that by testing their latest weapons in Ukraine is a form of civilization and therefore it should be graciously celebrated by people of the world. Whatever the case, we, too, are Ukrainians – we, too, are the victims of geopolitics gone wrong by the invasion of another nation. We, too, are victims of this human tragedy; victims of the sufferings of women and children and the elderly, and together, we stand to lose our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia if our silence continues – if we fail to confront those who believe that their blind defiance, although witless, would ultimately transform into heroism in the face of impending military inferno, are allowed to toy with the lives of innocent Ukrainians, and of course, our rights as human beings everywhere to protect our humanity and live in peace.”

“Therefore, the actual losers in this war of attrition are neither the Russians who have been declared by their rival in the west as the “aggressors”, nor the Ukrainians who are fleeing their Motherland in droves under constant bombardments, but “poor us”—citizens of the world who are “collateral victims” of the fallout that is leading to a serious fuel and food crises generated and unduly imposed upon us.”

“Today, many factories in Europe are down; many “mouths” in Africa are left hollow, with deaths in the offing, all because of the war in Ukraine, and still, there is NO MAN IN ISRAEL” to rise up and call a spade a spade!
What is the price of any victory in Ukraine? How much price must the global human family pay? How can we prevent a World War III?
It is sad, and we must blame ourselves for allowing crimes of medieval ages—mass murders of children, women and the elderly to be committed in Ukraine in full view of the world, and in full view of the United Nations. And yet, there is no call to reasoning—every nation has cowed; every reasonable mind is silent, ushering in a cascade of deafening premonitions that a call to common sense would ultimately jeopardize our political and financial interests with the big powers. So, here we are, witnessing in silence on a daily basis the rising death tolls of innocent women, children and the elderly, the mass displacements and evacuations, and of course the destruction of properties compounded by the seizure and occupation of Ukrainian territories.”

Furthermore Cephus described the Ukrainian conflict trace to a ‘seemingly deadlock’, due to recent naval blockade of Ukrainian ports by the Russians in a show of “might makes right”, the mantra of “more superior” arms supply is rapidly striking a new chord that is gradually baiting Africa or the African Union(AU) into the fray to make it appear that the blockade is after all the source of an impending world hunger rather than the demand for the supply of more superior arms.

He mentioned that the “more superior arms” hymn, whatever the objective, is and shall never be the solution to the crisis in Ukraine.

“Besides, the isolation policy adopted to confront what the Russians consider as a legitimate concern of their rights, sadly does not address the core issue of ending the war too, and it further exacerbates and complicates the need to rally global support for a negotiated settlement which is the surest way of bringing peace to Ukraine.”

“The world is guilty of the crimes in Ukraine and it is shameful that we are witnessing the exodus of women, children and the elderly from their homeland—we mean a great number of Ukrainians who may never return home—babies whose lives have been shattered and will live and grow up in refugee camps across the world with no hope of returning to their homeland. And still, there’s silence. There’s politics of global domination—nobody cares about what happens to a great nation and a great people, and nobody dares to speak out.”

“We say woe unto the so-called “Super Powers”. Shame on everyone – the so-called civilized people of the world in Africa, Europe , Australia and Asia who have willed themselves into silent submission out of fear of invoking the wrath of the superpowers. Ukraine is burning. Ukrainians are dying and suffering. The world is watching and pretending nothing is happening. We have become accomplices to the deaths and destruction of our humanity. The blood and rubbles in Ukraine is on our collective consciences, and we should collectively be ashamed of ourselves.” Liberia’s Solicitor-General, Sayma Syrenius Cephus writes.


Woe Unto The So-Called Super Powers and Shame On Everyone for the Carnage and Terror In Ukraine
By Sayma Syrenius Cephus
The harrowing images of terror and mayhem in Ukraine, a member of the United Nations, and the human sufferings of forceful displacements, hunger and starvation—the surging death tolls of women, children and the elderly on a daily basis as well as the incalculable losses of properties are a grim reminder that humanity no longer values the principle of “good neighborliness.”
Although Ukraine may seem afar and therefore not be too closed to our borders and too closed to our eyes, and although the pigmentation of the color of their skins may be different, yet, we carry the same blood in our veins, and so the death tolls of its precious citizens present a scathing pain of horror and hopelessness in our hearts that should be too dreadful for all of humanity to bear.
Lest we forget, the Ukrainian nation is part of the human race, and as a people of faith in God, a family of nations, and advocates of freedoms and democracy, it behooves us all, no matter your race, creed and religion to ensure that Ukraine is and remains a sovereign and independent state, irrespective of where it stands—the world has a duty of care to engage the big powers and absolve Ukraine and its people from this senseless war.
Almost every day, and agonizingly too, we hear and see the loss of civilian lives, including women, children and the elderly; the loss of properties, mass displacements and evacuations of Ukrainians from their homes into refugee camps, and of course, the loss and occupation of Ukrainian territories, and interestingly, all of these frightful events are happening in the 21st Century of human civilization and technological advancement with Ukraine being used to test the military superiority of the big powers.
How sad is it that we forget so soon about the incalculable losses of human lives in World War II, and now, there seems a drive for a World War III. As free citizens of the world and advocates of the voiceless of every clime, we join the silent majority of the people of Ukraine in saying woe unto the so-called super powers for their undeclared war on Ukraine and humanity; for their callous and blatant disregard for the human sufferings caused by the rivalry; for the death tolls in cold blood of little children–babies still in diapers, women and elderly who have been violently debased and reduced to “beggars” and then uprooted from their homes; from their Motherland under the hay of bullets and bombardments and made to walk thousands of miles, enduring the pains of hunger, starvation and displacement because of super powers rivalry!
Incredibly, the pains of some of the little kids still in their diapers, and the tears of their mothers and the elderly displaced by a war imposed upon them in a medieval style of ‘might makes right’, certainly cannot be considered isolated and far removed from our consciences. A pigmentation of color can no longer be an excuse when innocent blood is being wasted; when mothers are in tears, and when women, children and the elderly have been violently removed from their homes.
We can no longer endure the heartlessness of those who have commercialized human lives and reduced the human race to “cargoes”, falsely believing that by testing their latest weapons in Ukraine is a form of civilization and therefore it should be graciously celebrated by people of the world.
Whatever the case, we, too, are Ukrainians – we, too, are the victims of geopolitics gone wrong by the invasion of another nation. We, too, are victims of this human tragedy; victims of the sufferings of women and children and the elderly, and together, we stand to lose our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia if our silence continues – if we fail to confront those who believe that their blind defiance, although witless, would ultimately transform into heroism in the face of impending military inferno, are allowed to toy with the lives of innocent Ukrainians, and of course, our rights as human beings everywhere to protect our humanity and live in peace.
Therefore, the actual losers in this war of attrition are neither the Russians who have been declared by their rival in the west as the “aggressors”, nor the Ukrainians who are fleeing their Motherland in droves under constant bombardments, but “poor us”—citizens of the world who are “collateral victims” of the fallout that is leading to a serious fuel and food crises generated and unduly imposed upon us. Today, many factories in Europe are down; many “mouths” in Africa are left hollow, with deaths in the offing, all because of the war in Ukraine, and still, there is NO MAN IN ISRAEL” to rise up and call a spade a spade!
What is the price of any victory in Ukraine? How much price must the global human family pay? How can we prevent a World War III?
It is sad, and we must blame ourselves for allowing crimes of medieval ages—mass murders of children, women and the elderly to be committed in Ukraine in full view of the world, and in full view of the United Nations. And yet, there is no call to reasoning—every nation has cowed; every reasonable mind is silent, ushering in a cascade of deafening premonitions that a call to common sense would ultimately jeopardize our political and financial interests with the big powers.
So, here we are, witnessing in silence on a daily basis the rising death tolls of innocent women, children and the elderly, the mass displacements and evacuations, and of course the destruction of properties compounded by the seizure and occupation of Ukrainian territories.
With the conflict seemingly at a deadlock, and worsened by the recent naval blockade of Ukrainian ports by the Russians in a show of “might makes right”, the mantra of “more superior” arms supply is rapidly striking a new chord that is gradually baiting Africa or the African Union(AU) into the fray to make it appear that the blockade is after all the source of an impending world hunger rather than the demand for the supply of more superior arms.
The “more superior arms” hymn, whatever the objective, is and shall never be the solution to the crisis in Ukraine. Besides, the isolation policy adopted to confront what the Russians consider as a legitimate concern of their rights, sadly does not address the core issue of ending the war too, and it further exacerbates and complicates the need to rally global support for a negotiated settlement which is the surest way of bringing peace to Ukraine.
The world is guilty of the crimes in Ukraine and it is shameful that we are witnessing the exodus of women, children and the elderly from their homeland—we mean a great number of Ukrainians who may never return home—babies whose lives have been shattered and will live and grow up in refugee camps across the world with no hope of returning to their homeland. And still, there’s silence. There’s politics of global domination—nobody cares about what happens to a great nation and a great people, and nobody dares to speak out.
We say woe unto the so-called “Super Powers”. Shame on everyone – the so-called civilized people of the world in Africa, Europe , Australia and Asia who have willed themselves into silent submission out of fear of invoking the wrath of the superpowers. Ukraine is burning. Ukrainians are dying and suffering. The world is watching and pretending nothing is happening. We have become accomplices to the deaths and destruction of our humanity. The blood and rubbles in Ukraine is on our collective consciences, and we should collectively be ashamed of ourselves.

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