VP Howard-Taylor Donates US$20K, 100 Solar Lamps to Cuttington University


VP Howard-Taylor Donates US$20K, 100 Solar Lamps to Cuttington University

-As She Bags Another Honorary Doctorate Degree

IPNEWS – Gbarnga, Bong Co .: Vice President Chief Dr Jewel Howard-Taylor has donated 100 solar lamps and US$20,000 to the administration of the Cuttington University during the institution’s 60th commencement convocation exercises.

Veep Taylor, who served as Cuttington’s 60th Commencement Convocation orator, was responding to a request that had been made earlier by the CU president, Dr. Romelle A. Horton. Dr. Horton had said the CU’s main campus in Gbarnga was dark as the lighting on the entire campus wasn’t enough to provide adequate electricity to keep the campus and immediate surroundings bright at night.

Delivering her oration, Veep Howard-Taylor, who had been conferred upon the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) Honoris Causa, admitted that the day was a very special day for her for several reasons: “Firstly, because I am a proud Alumni of Cuttington University; secondly because this Institution in located in my maternal county and I am being honored as a Daughter of Bong County and lastly but never least; because I am the first Female Vice President of Liberia to be so Honored.

“I am truly humbled, and ask your indulgence for a moment to express my gratitude to those to whom it is due. Firstly, to Yahweh, the God of the Universe, who still dwells in the affairs of men. For indeed He has set times and seasons for ALL things according to His will. And when I look back from how far God has brought me; all I can do is to praise Him and testify that ALL POWER TRULY BELONGS TO HIM.

“Secondly, I am truly grateful to the officials of the Episcopal Dioscese, the Chairman, Members of the Board of Trustees and the Acting President of Cuttington University for the recommendation and subsequent approval of me as the 60th Commencement Speaker.”

Even though the Veep had before received several other honorary degrees in the past from Costa Rica, Nigeria and Ghana, Veep Taylor stated, however, “This HONORARY DEGREE bestowed upon me by Cuttington University is by far the most valuable one. Because it has been given to me by my own people, and given in my own Home by my ALMA MATER.”

Speaking on the theme, “SEEING BEYOND THE LIMITS OF YOUR PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES”, told her audience that Liberia is still in the throes of challenging times.

“With this compelling need to be inspired for greater works; I hope you won’t be disappointed, but the answers as to the commonly asked questions of – WHY, HOW and WHEN; thankfully are not the subject of my presentation.”

The Veep, among other things, however, chose to center her message on how each individual – as the master of his own destiny – can see beyond the limits of his or her present circumstances, rise to the occasion and change the trajectory of their lives for the betterment of all.

See embedded Veep Jewel Howard-Taylor’s CU Speech.

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