Bea Mountain Contaminates Water Sources in Grand Cape County?

Business News

Bea Mountain Contaminates Water Sources in Grand Cape County?

— As Initial Investigation identified presence of Lead, Mercury and Arsenic

IPNEWS: Tension are running high in Grand Cape Mount County, following reports of the contamination of water sources in ten communities by chemical product allegedly used by multi-million Dollar Turkish gold mining company Bea Mountain.

According to IPNEWS reporter who arrived late Monday evening, stated that at least 10 communities within  the Kinjor, Gola Konneh District of Grand Cape Mount County are affected by the dangerous chemical  following spilled over into the Mafa River.

According to report, the chemical spilled into the Mafa River  occured during Saturday evening heavy downpour of rain. The Mafa River serves as the major water source, especially for drinking cooking and  washing for several communities.

IPNEWS reporter said that there were several dead animals and fishes laying along the mafa river bank and surrounding bushes in Kinjor the seat of Bea Mountain operations.

IPNEWS is making continue frantic efforts to get Bea Mountain statement amidst mounting allegations that it used dangerous chemicals that spilled over into the mafa river but to no avail up to press time, including sms messages sent to the company’s community relations officer identified as Vincent.

However, sources at the Environmental Protection Agency confided to IPNEWS that initial simples collected from the affected areas has proven to be the presence of heavy Lead, Mercury and Arsenic.

Impacts of Lead, Mercury and Arsenic on human/public health

Lead in water

Long time exposure to lead can cause cancer, damage nervous system in children, brain disorders, autoimmunity (the immune system attacking itself), kidneys problems, miscarriages, reduced fertility in men and the circulatory system.

Mercury in water

Mental disturbance, speech impairment, hearing loss and difficulties in movements are health problems that may arise from mercury toxicity.  In addition, tremor, irritability, learning disabilities, reduced cognitive functions, immune suppression, nervousness, memory loss, excessive shyness, lack of sleep, muscle weakness, headaches, and hallucinations (false visions) are other health effects associated with mecury ingestion  (WHO,2003ATSDR,2014Park and Zheng,2012Ray et al.,2014; Homes et al., 2009).

Arsenic in water

Arsenic is the main source for so many public health problems in some parts of the world. Its consumption in water is related to the development of cancer at several areas of the body (skin, bladder, and lungs), developmental effects, cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity and diabetes (WHO, 2011, FAO/WHO, 2011a; FAO/WHO, 2011b). Furthermore, arsenic had been considered one of the most common heavy metals that pose health threat to human lives.

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