Lonestar Cell MTN Dedicates Health Centers in Maryland County

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Lonestar Cell MTN Dedicates Health Centers in Maryland County

IPNEWS: Residents of Dedeabo Tarwaken Township, Karluway District, Maryland County, are jubilating.  They no longer must walk for more than 20 kilometers on foot, risking life and limb to access healthcare.

With Lonestar Cell MTN’s generous contribution, Maryland County’s District #3 Representative and Chairman of the House Committee on Post and Telecommunications, Dr. Isaac B. Roland completed the six-room health facility for the Township.

For Dedeabo Tarwaken Township residents, the establishment of the clinic in their Township is a relief because the long journey access healthcare could be life-threatening.   Pressing health conditions combined with the 20 kilometer walk, has caused, according to residents, the deaths of men, pregnant women, and children.

The Dedeabo Tarwaken Township Clinic, staffed with a doctor, a nurse, a physician’s assistant, and security, will serve 10-thousand township residents.   Malaria, Typhoid and other testing kits are available along with life-saving medicines.

Speaking during the launching ceremony, Rep. Roland said, “I thank  Lonestar Cell MTN for identifying with the people of Dedeabo Tarwaken Township.  Their contribution was instrumental in bring the project to completion.”

Rep. Roland, promised to pay the salaries of the workers assigned to the clinic until the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare could assume the responsibility.

Speaking on behalf of Lonestar Cell MTN, the Pleebo Branch Supervisor, Mr. Clarence Taye thanked Hon. Roland for the project.  He noted that Lonestar Cell MTN believes everyone deserves a modern and connected life.

Mr. Taye said, “This includes ensuring communities have access to good health care and quality medicines.    Lonestar Cell MTN is happy to have supported this a remarkable achievement.  We ask residents to make good use of the facility.”

Maryland County Superintendent, George H. Prowd, lauded Representative Roland for establishing the clinic and thanked the Maryland County Health team for their collaboration.

 Andersonville Chiefdom residents of Maryland County’s District #3, will soon have a six-room health facility of their own.   Representative Roland, with Lonestar Cell MTN’s support, broke ground for this second clinic in February 2022.  When opened, a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, and security will staff the clinic.

The Chiefdom has over 25,000 residents who have been denied adequate healthcare because of a lack of road access.


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